More old guard corruption out of Chicago!

Are you really that stupid? You do know that local union only has jurisdiction for UPS. Right?
Dude I used to watch this show called Justified. It's this hillbilly Dixie mofia show. Now I know it's fictional but these people seem kinda like you might be related somehow. Not the mafia ones though. The kind of inbred ones. So anyway Tim has successfully organized count them 150 members under his watch. In freaking new york where the union worker per capita is 25% or greater of the workforce. That's kinda sad. By the way don't forget your dentures.
I've seen the idiotic posts you've put on here. You will never 'get it'
Kinda late or this one Sharpy? I kinda figured me it hard to believe you were in any kind of negotiating committees. Were you in charge of carrying bags and ordering lunch? Wow look at the brain on brad.


Well-Known Member
Are you really that stupid? You do know that local union only has jurisdiction for UPS. Right?

I know it's hard, especially when you feel attacked, to keep the insults out, it's easy to get sucked into the bickering and back and forth, I know your from world port, just stay focused on 2016, and keep your members fired-up,
I know it's hard, especially when you feel attacked, to keep the insults out, it's easy to get sucked into the bickering and back and forth, I know your from world port, just stay focused on 2016, and keep your members fired-up,
Dudes just out of his league that's all. He didn't violate the tos in that statement he just showed his mental makeup. I'm all for playing nice but if people don't want to here I'll adjust my game.