wahhhh my preloader is a maroon.. he can't put 2312 after 2301 when his belt is overflowing up to his ears. how ever will i find the package!!??? wahh it's raining but i only get out 10 stops per day anyway and let my helper get out. wahh it's cold i only have 2 giant heater vents to keep me warm while my helper is in the snow all day.
who's the whiney bitch now? drivers are just as soft as most of the helpers you bitch about.
There's a difference between crying, and being pissed off because you have a Preloader that can't figure out the difference between 1000 and 8000. I'm not gonna smile and accept mediocrity on anyones part when it affects my job performance. If you can't take a box, look at a little label that says 1501, and figure out that it goes in the middle of the 1000 shelf that's marked for you, then start hiring circus monkeys that can be trained easier. That is the easiest thing to do, albeit not physically simple, just taking a package and placing it on the correct shelf is bar non a simple task.
Bitch about the rain? haha I have yet to meet a driver that has bitched about the weather (in my pressence). I'm sure a few have, but are probably no longer drivers. We work in the weather. We choose to work outside, so we learn to adapt to our surroundings. I bought Gortex. I'm dry head to toe in Hurricanes baby, and when it's cold? Gortex, fleece, and a few tricks I learned in the Military. The weather is only a factor for slowing me down, but not making me frown. Sort bags can be a pain in the arse. Soft drivers? hahahaha Thanks for the laugh. Even the biggest labia in my Center still has my respect because he does that job every day, week in and week out, and I never hear him cry about sore legs, rain, or when he's getting paid.
Love - 15