movie review


Bite your tongue, Missy
Variety reports that they are planning a remake of the classic horror movie "The exorcist".

To bring it up to date the name will be changed to "My Girlfriend has her Period"


I'm nuclear, I'm wild
Berserk: The Advent (Golden Age Arc III)

Possibly the most horrific animated film I've ever seen. Very impressive visually, and the monster designs were top notch. Absolutely brutal and uncompromising.


cap'n crunch
I liked American Sniper as well. They interviewed Chris Kyle's widow, and she said it was so realistic, and true to real life, it made her start crying during the interview.


golden ticket member
Did he miss the part where 'Selma' was one of the nominees for best picture ???

MSNBC Guest Compares Oscars Snub Of Selma To Ferguson And Garner: This Is “Another Wake-Up Call” For Black America…


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I saw it last week and agree with your review.

Go see "American Sniper".
I will have to see that one alone. Due to a traumatic incident earlier in my wife's life she cannot deal with super violent movies, especially ones involving guns and head shots. I am actually not fond of that genre either but I have heard American Sniper is worth seeing. How gory was it?


Bite your tongue, Missy
I will have to see that one alone. Due to a traumatic incident earlier in my wife's life she cannot deal with super violent movies, especially ones involving guns and head shots. I am actually not fond of that genre either but I have heard American Sniper is worth seeing. How gory was it?

Not that gory for an R rated movie but there is some. I think it,s more for the subject matter involved rather than the actual action itself. If she's sensative then I'd say maybe it's not for her to be honest.


Well-Known Member
The part with the sheikh and his son with the butcher is rough but that had nothing to do with shooting. Come to think of it i dont think there is a single head shot in the movie. Maybe Chris's final kill but you dont know as it just shows the mist of the hit on the sheets behind him. The actual gore is minimal and not more than most movies. Its not even close to Braveheart or 300.


golden ticket member
We rented A Walk Among the Tombstones........mostly because Liam Neeson was in it.
It didn't stick to the description was disjointed.....I was lost at times and it wasn't that good. The rental was free, so no complaints here.

"Private investigator Matthew Scudder is hired by a drug kingpin to find out who kidnapped and murdered his wife."


golden ticket member
Another free rental from Red Box and we watched 'Dawn of the Planet of the Apes'. It started right where the last one left off.

"Ten years after a pandemic disease, apes who have survived it are drawn into battle with a group of human survivors.

It was 2 hrs. and 10 mins. long and I really liked it.


Well-Known Member
people have been equating american sniper to nazi propaganda. chris hedges a former ny times war correspondent in the middle east writes his review:

“American Sniper” lionizes the most despicable aspects of U.S. society—the gun culture, the blind adoration of the military, the belief that we have an innate right as a “Christian” nation to exterminate the “lesser breeds” of the earth, a grotesque hypermasculinity that banishes compassion and pity, a denial of inconvenient facts and historical truth, and a belittling of critical thinking and artistic expression. Many Americans, especially white Americans trapped in a stagnant economy and a dysfunctional political system, yearn for the supposed moral renewal and rigid, militarized control the movie venerates. These passions, if realized, will extinguish what is left of our now-anemic open society.

“American Sniper,” like the big-budget feature films pumped out in Germany during the Nazi era to exalt deformed values of militarism, racial self-glorification and state violence, is a piece of propaganda, a tawdry commercial for the crimes of empire. That it made a record-breaking $105.3 million over the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday long weekend is a symptom of the United States’ dark malaise. “The movie never asks the seminal question as to why the people of Iraq are fighting back against us in the very first place,”

“American Sniper” caters to a deep sickness rippling through our society. It holds up the dangerous belief that we can recover our equilibrium and our lost glory by embracing an American fascism


golden ticket member
FORMER N.Y. Times journalist.......FROM THE MIDDLE EAST ??????

Kim Jun Un doesn't rate MY movie viewing and neither does someone from the MIDDLE EAST......unless it's the middle east of Illinois.


Well-Known Member
FORMER N.Y. Times journalist.......FROM THE MIDDLE EAST ??????

Kim Jun Un doesn't rate MY movie viewing and neither does someone from the MIDDLE EAST......unless it's the middle east of Illinois.

no thats one of the places he did his war reporting. hes a war zone reporter.