movie review


Well-Known Member
I think Kathrine Heigl is hot but I do not like anything she stars in. I think I made it through about 20 minutes of 27 Dresses before I clicked that off.

And I didn't like Knocked Up either. I think I may be alone but I just don't find Seth Rogen's movies funny.

So while I love to look at her, I am not going to torture myself to do it.

I didn't care for Knocked Up either. I am not a prude by any means but I am offended by profanity simply for the sake of profanity. There are times when profanity does fit but it seems that in a lot of today's movies they are paid by the swear word.

I am going to go see The Box today (I like the italics--thanks, 3J) and will give you my Siskel and Ebert when I get home.


Well-Known Member
It was foreign film night at the Jone's residence on Saturday: click
Actually very good if you want a break from action films and comedies. The french pretty much wrote the book on character driven film making.

Kristin Scott Thomas I enjoyed very much in The English Patient, Random Hearts and The Horse Whisperer (also enjoy Redford's material anyway) so sounds like another piece of her work worth checking out.


Saw your comments on Men Who Stare at Goats and hearing the same thing more and more. Very disappointed as I love Kevin Spacey's work (Big :thumbup1: to K-PAX, American Beauty, The Negotiator and the whole period vibe in LA Confidential, Love that movie) so I thought Goats with it's humorous look at Ronson's book would be great. Tomorrow's my birthday and I even told my wife going to see Goats was what I wanted to do. I'm a cheap date. :happy-very:

I may still go because I've also been told, if you grew up during the "hippie era" (I did) then you'll enjoy the humor very much. Think I'm gonna take the chance and go for it anyway.


Ever go watch live theater? If no, consider it, I think you might like it. I saw Bye-Bye Birdie last night but from the music pit. My daughter played bass and guitar so went along to help with her amp rigs and do the roadie/guitar tech thingy again. The play was great and the actors playing Albert and Rosie were just awesome. The actors playing Kim's parents were fantastic and they're comedic timing was just incredible. I really enjoy live theater and it was working at UPS years ago with this guy (carwasher) who got me interested in live theater. So glad he did.

Thanks Mark!


Well-Known Member
but I am offended by profanity simply for the sake of profanity. There are times when profanity does fit but it seems that in a lot of today's movies they are paid by the swear word.

That's why I like Redford's material so much. Not only the use of excessive profanity but IMO to many movies just throw in a naked body just for the sake of it whereas Redford leaves this all to imagination. He's not real keen on nudity or sex just for the sake of juicing up the film. I like being left to think or use my imagination instead of being subjected to the cheap thrill.

In Electric Horseman (great movie IMO) the imagination tells you that he and the Jane Fonda character had sex but you didn't see it. This makes the scene from the next morning IMO have an even greater comedic impact which was the intent. The line that laid me in the floor was Willie Nelson's character Wendall talking about a bottle of tequila, a women and using vaccum to remove chrome from a bumper hitch. See the movie and you'll see the humor in my cleaned up version.

Cudos Upstate for your comments above!

2 other Redford films that I love, you only hear his voice in one are "A River Runs Through It" and then with Brad Pitt again who IMO is a younger Redford in many respects in the movie "Spy Game."


Watched "The Ugly Truth". Funny,advertised as a romantic comedy but there is a lot of "language" that will catch some off guard.

I think Kathrine Heigl is hot but I do not like anything she stars in. I think I made it through about 20 minutes of 27 Dresses before I clicked that off.

And I didn't like Knocked Up either. I think I may be alone but I just don't find Seth Rogen's movies funny.

So while I love to look at her, I am not going to torture myself to do it.
It's nice to hear that you've set a standard for yourself.

I didn't care for Knocked Up either. I am not a prude by any means but I am offended by profanity simply for the sake of profanity. There are times when profanity does fit but it seems that in a lot of today's movies they are paid by the swear word.

I am going to go see The Box today (I like the italics--thanks, 3J) and will give you my Siskel and Ebert when I get home.
I'm with you on this, Upstate.

You mean the guy in the picture?


Well-Known Member

You mean the guy in the picture?

Yep. And all the movies/TV shows listed are what he's worked in. Mark Oliver was a carwasher and left UPS late 80's, early 90's don't quite remember the date but he was doing acting while at UPS. Mostly local commericals but not long before he left, he did a huge national commerical (I think it was NAPA) and after that his career really took off. Super nice guy that I'm glad he's done well.

And he started out in local theater too!


Well-Known Member
Just got back from seeing Men Who Stare At Goats. Sorry Upstate, but the wife and I both liked it. However, most reviews on the internet from movie goers said the same thing as you said and from a certain POV I can see why most people would not care for this movie.

If you know little about CIA history such as MK-Ultra, MK-Naomi, MK-Delta or other black ops projects from the late 40 throught the 60's, you don't get the alternative lifestyles (back to nature, new age) of the 70's or never engaged into the 70's drug culture on any serious level, go see another movie. If however you do or did, the movie although fractured and random (remember LSD and gov't here, key point) the humor is good and the Star Wars connection is really good when you consider whose is taking part in the dialogue. The line "Silence of the Goats" was a gut buster! "They've been de-bleeted!"



Big Time Feeder Driver
I didn't care for Knocked Up either. I am not a prude by any means but I am offended by profanity simply for the sake of profanity. There are times when profanity does fit but it seems that in a lot of today's movies they are paid by the swear word.

I think an example of what you are referring to is happening to Kevin Smith's films. While I am sure many will find all his films profane, his earlier work used it in a way to move the story along and establish character.

But, while I still think underneath the vulgar elements one can find Smith still exploring the human condition when it comes to love and relationships, he is stooping to a level of indeceny that is actually taking away from his real goal. And all for some cheap gross out guffaws.

He is better than that. Or he was.
I think an example of what you are referring to is happening to Kevin Smith's films. While I am sure many will find all his films profane, his earlier work used it in a way to move the story along and establish character.

But, while I still think underneath the vulgar elements one can find Smith still exploring the human condition when it comes to love and relationships, he is stooping to a level of indeceny that is actually taking away from his real goal. And all for some cheap gross out guffaws.

He is better than that. Or he was.

I think Cerks 2 and Zack and Miri were great. Take his movies for what they are. Sometimes extreme cursing,in its absurdity,is hilarious in itself.


Big Time Feeder Driver
I think he peaked with Chasing Amy. Though I think his funniest movie was Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back.

Zack and Miri I thought blew (reference my opinion of Seth Rogen's movies), and Clerks 2 was an answer to a question that I for one did not ask. And they were definitely over the top when it comes to vulgarity.

But believe me I don't sweat it. To each his own.



golden ticket member
Just watched Four Christmases with Vince Vaughn & Reese Witherspoon. It was on the flight back from Hawaii on Friday. It was pretty good and funny in parts.
Watched "Star Trek" with the son. Sit back have fun,good little scifi movie.

Watched "Bruno" without the son. Funny if you`re sick and twisted,which at times I am.
We just watched it last night, I'm guessing you mean the newest one. It was great! I guess the key players have already signed on for two more.

Yes,I thought so also. I like the stories but the old versions were just that,old. This has brought new life into it. I thought Zach Quinto made a good Spock. Plus they have hotter green chicks in this new version.:happy2:


Staff member
Yes,I thought so also. I like the stories but the old versions were just that,old. This has brought new life into it. I thought Zach Quinto made a good Spock. Plus they have hotter green chicks in this new version.:happy2:

Got that right! I was watching the credits at the end and we saw Wynona Ryder was in it. We couldn't remember seeing her, and had to look it up to find out she was Spocks mom. Maybe the hooded robe threw us!


Big Time Feeder Driver
*Spoiler Alert*

Star Trek is a good movie, we saw it when it was in the theaters.

One caveat: though I will get over it, I am not happy that they have, in essence, restarted the Trek universe.