movie review


golden ticket member
Rented "Brooklyn's Finest". Good movie if you like cop stuff.

I almost didn't rent it because Snipes is in it, but I like Ethan Hawke & Don Cheadle and they trump Snipes. Also included Richard Gere and Ellen Barkin. Like Ellen Barkin, but she's a bit of a witch in this...good actress!


Staff member
Watched The Runaways last night, not bad at all. I've never been that impressed with Kristen Stewart but she's a dead ringer for the young Joan Jett, get's all her mannerisms and style right down to a T.


Well-Known Member
My son and I went to see The Other Guys on Friday (mental health day). I am not a Will Ferrel fan and was only going because my son wanted to see it but I really liked it. It was very funny with a lot of action scenes. The Rock, Samuel Jackson and Michael McKeon (Mr Mom) are also in the movie. Add to your Netflix queu.


Thank you--I wasn't sure if it was Keaton or McKeon.

He looked really old in this movie.
Those 2 and Michael Ontkean (The Rookies) are names that always confuse me, though I do know the faces.



Ontkean (very left).


golden ticket member
I watched TMZ on Saturday and they were talking about Sly and the 'grunt' noises he always makes and one of the crew said, "Can you imaging the sounds coming from Sly during sex?" Uh, ah, Ugh, Uh, Uh, ADRIENNE !!!" It was funny!


Staff member
We downloaded Outlander last night. A man from a faraway planet crashes in Norway in the year 709 bringing with him a horrible stowaway monster.

Good simple entertainment.


Staff member
We've been watching WW2 in HD, if you've got a blu-ray player do yourself a favor and pick this up because it's well worth it. Much of the footage is amazing and the individual stories are very compelling.


Well-Known Member
Went to see "The American" this afternoon. It started really slow, was hard to follow and the ending didn't make sense. There was also an older gentleman sitting toward the front of the theater who left his hearing aids at home and relied on his wife to tell him what was being said throughout the movie. He would also shout out loud when something happened or was going to happen. There was a scene where Clooney shot these 2 men and then surprisingly shot the woman he was with and the older gentleman exclaimed "He shot her. Why did he shoot her?" We all kind of chuckled but all wished he would shut up.

Don't waste your money on this one.