movie review


Well-Known Member
Today was "Harry Potter". Not my choice--my son hadn't seen it yet and since he will be out of town for a few days and he really wanted to see it so we decided to go today. I don't get the fascination with this whole Harry Potter thing. The scenery, makeup, costumes and special effects were all superb, as were the camera work and sound effects. My son did tell me before we went that it would help if I had seen the previous movies or read the books. Again, I just don't get it.

Big Babooba

Well-Known Member
I`m starting to see a pattern in your viewing habits. Not that I blame you.

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Can you see a pattern in my viewing habits? I love to watch the classics!

Today was "Behind the Green Door" Yesterday I saw "Debbie Does Dallas". Tomorrow - "Deep Throat". Thanksgiving Day, the cinema is closed.
I'll have to hang up my trench coat and watch football.:sad-little:


golden ticket member
I remember movie houses when I was a kid that were like palaces and mansions..

I always saw spooky movies with Vincent Price etal. so, the heavy red drapes and the full suits of armor guarding the hallways really set the mood!


Well-Known Member
I remember movie houses when I was a kid that were like palaces and mansions..

I always saw spooky movies with Vincent Price etal. so, the heavy red drapes and the full suits of armor guarding the hallways really set the mood!

That's true More but I still loved the ole American Drive In. Pure Americana at it's best. Nothing ever beat in my book going to a double feature in the early 70's of They Call Me Trinity and Trinity Is Still My Name. Most would never think of the main actors Terence Hill and Bud Spencer as a comedic duo but they really were. Spagetti westerns at their perfection.

Also loved Lee Van Cleef westerns too! I got to meet him in the late 70's and it was a real treat too. Always loved Death Rides a Horse!


Well-Known Member
I rarely see new movies. I don't like cinemas, I feel trapped....

Anyhow, I saw Underworld: Rise of the Lycans the other night (DVD). This is a prequel to the other 2 Underworlds. I liked both the originals, and the prequel was just as good if not better.

Of the 3, I liked Rise of the Lycans the best. Sure, it lacked the latex tight Kate Beckinsale T&A but the storyline in Rise for me was so much better. Romeo and Juliette mixed with political/moral, good verses evil conflict. The old aristocracy verses to peasant class if you will. It also made understanding the Lucian character in the first 2 Underworld films a whole lot clearer but then you also understood he befell to a bit of the darkside himself in the end. I understand there's an Underworld 4 in 2012' but I'm wondering if this is taking the horse out of the barn one to many times.


Well-Known Member

This is the one that I went to when I was a kid. We had a station wagon with the third seat (the one that you pulled up that faced backwards) and it was one price per carload.


Well-Known Member
Sadly, the best drive in of especially my high school years in the early/mid 70's was torn down in 1987' to make way for "progress!" No pics can be found but did find this pretty good descript of it.

Back to movies. Watched the movie Push last night, a 2009' Action/Sci-fi movie that was OK but felt to much like a cross between Firestarter and some variation of X-Men. And it left the movie so wide open for a sequel but then what movies don't these days. The predictiblity just takes so much away.

I was bummed out even more when I realized I could have watched 1977's Sorcerer instead which not only was a great film but the Tangerine Dream soundtrack adds so much to it as well.


Well-Known Member
Just came back from watching "Faster". Dwayne Johnson is clearly no longer The Rock. Billy Bob Thornton turns in a solid performance while Tom Berenger has a forgettable cameo. Graphic violence throughout with a couple of twists at the end. Cool cars. Leave the kids at home for this one or better yet rent it and wait for them to go to bed.


Just came back from watching "Faster". Dwayne Johnson is clearly no longer The Rock. Billy Bob Thornton turns in a solid performance while Tom Berenger has a forgettable cameo. Graphic violence throughout with a couple of twists at the end. Cool cars. Leave the kids at home for this one or better yet rent it and wait for them to go to bed.
I must admit, I like your style of reviewing. Would have pos repped you, but alas, You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to UpstateNYUPSer again.
Sadly, the best drive in of especially my high school years in the early/mid 70's was torn down in 1987' to make way for "progress!" No pics can be found but did find this pretty good descript of it.

I was bummed out even more when I realized I could have watched 1977's Sorcerer instead which not only was a great film but the Tangerine Dream soundtrack adds so much to it as well.

Another TD` sound tracked movie is the 1981 Michael Mann film "Thief" starring James Caan. Good flick, filmed in Chicago.


Well-Known Member
Another TD` sound tracked movie is the 1981 Michael Mann film "Thief" starring James Caan. Good flick, filmed in Chicago.

Absolutely. Great storyline and of course that sound track. I remember way back in the day getting TD's Thief Soundtrack along with Exit and the live album Logos all at the same time. Since I mentioned Firestarter earlier, TD also did the soundscore for this movie as well and of course who would forget "Love on a Real Train" from Risky Business.

We keep talking Tangerine Dream and Hoaxster is liable to show it!