movie review


golden ticket member
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golden ticket member
Raised in a trailer park...she could be a country singer. She's the real white trailer trash. She always mentions that fact in interviews about how poor she was. ....They make some lovely double wides.


golden ticket member
I wasn't being mean...just telling what she says on interview shows.

"Growing up in a mobile home in the Pacific Northwest, Hilary Swank unwittingly found herself placed in her first role: trailer trash. "My friends' parents didn't want me playing with their kids, and I didn't understand it, because I didn't think of where I lived as being that big of a deal. I had a roof over my head," Swank said last week as she bit into a cucumber finger sandwich at Santa Monica's Tudor House tea room, a world away from her modest childhood home. "But their parents would say, 'You need to go home now.' At 7 years old, I learned what classism was, growing up poor."

Like when Dolly says she admired the town hooker when she was growing up and thought she was the prettiest thing ever and wanted to dress like her.


Staff member
Watched Restrepo last night, excellent documentary on US combat operations in the Korengal valley in Afghanistan. It's all live footage and one on one interviews, so if you want to know what daily life is like for the guys over there doing the fighting, it's a must see.


Well-Known Member
My son and I watched "The Fighter" on Christmas Day. Mark Wahlberg, Christian Bale and Amy Adams all give strong performances in a movie based on the real life story of Mickey Ward. Add this one to your Netflix.

I went to see "True Grit" today. Jeff Bridges, Matt Damon, Josh Brolin all give solid performances. This one could have used subtitles as some of the dialogue was hard to hear, especially from Bridges. The real star is Hailee Steinfeld who plays Mattie Ross, who may be 14 yrs old but has the maturity of a 24 yr old, who pursues the man who killed her father. Add this one to your Netflix as well.

Neither of these movies is a must see.


Well-Known Member
Watched Restrepo last night, excellent documentary on US combat operations in the Korengal valley in Afghanistan. It's all live footage and one on one interviews, so if you want to know what daily life is like for the guys over there doing the fighting, it's a must see.

A little trivia sidenote, of the 2 film makers of Restrepo, Sebastian Junger and Tim Hetherington, Junger wrote the book "The Perfect Storm" which was made into a feature film of the same title. Hetherington's work as journalist in exposing civil conditions in Africa, Liberia and Charles Taylor for example are in themselves very noteworthy. Taylor placed execution order on Hetherington for his work in exposing brutality.

Restropo was also a big award winner at Sundance. Thanks for the heads up on making this a must see!


We saw Gulliver's Travels on Christmas day, and Tangled, this evening. Gulliver was typical Jack Black. Tangled had a great story and the animation was superb.

