movie review


golden ticket member
Just watched "Quarantine 2 Terminal" and I about jumped out of my skin twice in the first 20 mins. It was a pretty good 'living dead' type movie.


golden ticket member
Just finished watching "Unknown" with Liam Neeson. Good movie! It was suspenseful, mysterious, good crashes, etc. I was lost for a little bit, but it all came together. I really liked it and hubby said, "that was a good one." Plus it was a fifty cent entertainment for 2 hours. :happy2:


golden ticket member
"Camp Hell" equals movie hell !! Dumbest movie I've ever seen. It was rated R and I still don't know why. I guess it may have been the 2 teens having sex in the woods and neither of them removed any clothes........ah, the miracle of religious camp !!

Dana Delany was the only name I recognized in the cast........she must've had some over due doctor bills to pay to agree to be in this flick.


golden ticket member
Just watched Soul Surfer. It was a good movie. Great Hawaii location shots. And, they were in Phuket Thailand too......recently mentioned in another thread.


Well-Known Member
Saw "American: The Bill Hicks Story" last night. Good flick about a great comic who left us way, way, way too soon!

Also watched Gashole too! Good view as well.


golden ticket member
We just watched "Limitless", and liked it. They say we only use a small portion of our brains....imagine a pill that lets you use the full potential of your brain.


golden ticket member
I'm guessing the new one? How was it?

Yes, the new one. I didn't get bored for 1 hour and 48 mins. The rape was drawn out, but then again so was her revenge on the guys! I'm not spoiling the movie for anyone because Red Box tells that much in their description.


Well-Known Member
Just came back from seeing "The Help". I was a little concerned as I was the only guy in the audience of about 20. After the first five minutes this concern melted away as I knew I was in for a treat. This was perhaps the best movie I have seen in a long, long time. For those who don't know, this is a movie based on a book written from the perspective of black maids in Mississippi in the 1960's. It incorporates the civil rights struggle, the separation of the races and the dynamics of the employer/employee relationship in what is described as the most backward state in the union.

There are a number of big names in the movie but they all blend together to form a strong ensemble.

There was a moment of sadness for me. Cicily Tyson is in the movie. I hadn't seen her in a while and she is a shell of her former self. Her speech is slurred and her mobility is quite limited.

This is a must see. There are no special effects or anything that would require going to the theater but definitely add this one to your Netflix.
Yes, the new one. I didn't get bored for 1 hour and 48 mins. The rape was drawn out, but then again so was her revenge on the guys! I'm not spoiling the movie for anyone because Red Box tells that much in their description.

I hear her idea of what to do with a weiner differs from Kleins?