movie review


golden ticket member
Watched 2 movies yesterday.

Henry's Crime.....................a very s-l-o-w movie with Keanu Reeves.

Everything Must Go................a non-comedy with Will Ferrell. A real downer!


Well-Known Member
My son and I went to see "Moneyball" this afternoon. This is the baseball movie based on the 2002 Oakland A's and their use of the methodology of Billy James in the way that they assembled their roster. You do not have to be a baseball fan to see this but if you are a fan you will appreciate the accuracy of the script. Brad Pitt portrays Billy Beane, a one-time phenom who gave up a full ride to Stanford to play baseball then quit to become a baseball scout. This is easily one of the best movies I have seen this year.


golden ticket member
Not quite a movie, but it was 2 hours long......................Last night,we watched a taping we made awhile back of a montage of the Ed Sullivan shows. It was on PBS, so I was able to fast forward through their pledge drive stuff. It was all the different comics.....a young Phyllis Diller and a young Joan Rivers and others. I had to go on the computer afterward because I couldn't remember who was still alive. Bill Dana (Jose Jimenez) ....I thought he died. Wikipedia says he's like 86 or 87.It was fun to see the oldies......and how simple their jokes were at that time....Hope, Berle and Burns.:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
Went to see "50/50" today. This is a movie about a 27 year old man who finds out that he has cancer and how he deals with the various stages of the illness both physically and psychologically. This is a Seth Rogen film so language is an issue. This may touch a little too close to home if you know of someone who has gone through cancer treatments. Definitely add this one to your Netflix.


Went to see "50/50" today. This is a movie about a 27 year old man who finds out that he has cancer and how he deals with the various stages of the illness both physically and psychologically. This is a Seth Rogen film so language is an issue. This may touch a little too close to home if you know of someone who has gone through cancer treatments. Definitely add this one to your Netflix.
I found myself discussing you while running, the other day. We were talking about movie's, when I mentioned that YOU thought such and such movie was really good, lol.


golden ticket member
I watched 'Pay It Forward' again today and enjoyed it. Hailey Joel Osment was a good little in Sixth that age. I also like the song at the end.....Calling All Angels.

I always liked Helen Hunt too......did you ever notice she has a really young twin in Leelee Sobiesky?


I watched 'Pay It Forward' again today and enjoyed it. Hailey Joel Osment was a good little in Sixth that age. I also like the song at the end.....Calling All Angels.

I always liked Helen Hunt too......did you ever notice she has a really young twin in Leelee Sobiesky?


golden ticket member
Just watched "Madso's War" that we rented at Red Box. It's Boston, it's Southie........criminals, crooked cops and a guy from Ireland with an accent so thick you can hardly understand him. It was OK.


golden ticket member
Just watched "Hanna". Strange movie. Not awful, just strange. Young girl, trained in defense and survival and killing......has never left the deserted forest cabin where she lives with her father 'til now. She's well read and knows a lot, but just from books, no practical experience other than survival. She's a DNA experiment and "they" want her eliminated.


Staff member
Just watched "Hanna". Strange movie. Not awful, just strange. Young girl, trained in defense and survival and killing......has never left the deserted forest cabin where she lives with her father 'til now. She's well read and knows a lot, but just from books, no practical experience other than survival. She's a DNA experiment and "they" want her eliminated.

Yeah but...... Is she cute and does she show any skin?


We went to see What's your number, with Anna Faris. I probably watched about 45 minutes of this one, then walked out. I was looking for a good comedy to pass some time, but this was way too crude. I was gonna ask theater mgmt if I could go see another movie, due to my disappointment, but ended up walking into 50/50, which had already started and was like 40 minutes into the movie. This was a better movie, though still a bit crude, more understandibly than What's your number, but still. Oh, wanna know who my date was? Me, Myself and I, LOL. I'm my own best friend, at the moment.


golden ticket member
We watched The Caller. Lots of twists and turns....most of which I didn't follow along with....... not because I didn't get it, just didn't want to go there! Didn't care for it much.


golden ticket member
This afternoon, we watched "Bridesmaids". OMG !! I laughed so hard, so many times, I was choking. Melissa McCarthy , from Mike & Molly is a scream!

This was also Jill Clayburgh's last movie.

Funny movie!