movie review


I want to see both, Cloud Atlas and Flight. I want to see the Life of Pi, also. Dave, are you talking about Abraham Lincoln - Vampire Hunter? We can watch that on DTV - Cinema (and get a free rental for watching it). That may end up being on the to watch list this weekend just because.


The new Lincoln movie is not the vampire one. This one stars Daniel Day Lewis and looks to be really good.
I finally saw a preview for Lincoln for the first time last night. It does look pretty good. Have you seen the Men who built America on the History Channel? It's very interesting. I knew the names (Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, Carnegie, JP Morgan, Ford) but not being from the east coast I never really knew the history.


Well-Known Member
Went to see "Cloud Atlas" Saturday. Just shy of 3 hours long--glad I used the restroom just before going in. Excellent but very weird movie. It is 3 stories expertly woven in to a single theme. Tom Hanks and Halle Berry are on top of their games in this one. I may go see it again as I'm sure I missed some things the first time. This is not a date movie by any means--it is simply too long.


Well-Known Member
Denzel has a new one coming out on Nov. 2 called "Flight". There is also a movie about Pres. Lincoln due out fairly soon.

"Flight", which was due out this weekend, has been delayed in the smaller markets for two weeks. I don't know if this has anything to do with distribution issues due to Sandy but I know we're not getting it here until the 16th.

Went to see "Atlas Shrugged--Part II" this afternoon. The movie website clearly states that this movie is not intended for the 47% that Mitt Romney spoke of. They were right---anyone who feels "entitled" or that the government should take care of their every need should not go see this movie. This movie is for those who still believe in the value of hard work, the right to reap the rewards of hard work and the falacy of socialism.

Gas is $42.29/gallon and cross-country flights operate on a once-weekly schedule. Trains are the most affordable mode of transportation. "Fair share" is the mindset of the government. The intellectually elite are systematically eliminated.

wkmac, Jones, brett, bbsam, Sober, Hoke and pickup, among others, would enjoy this movie. Most of the rest of you would wish you had stayed home.


Staff member
"Flight", which was due out this weekend, has been delayed in the smaller markets for two weeks. I don't know if this has anything to do with distribution issues due to Sandy but I know we're not getting it here until the 16th.

Went to see "Atlas Shrugged--Part II" this afternoon. The movie website clearly states that this movie is not intended for the 47% that Mitt Romney spoke of. They were right---anyone who feels "entitled" or that the government should take care of their every need should not go see this movie. This movie is for those who still believe in the value of hard work, the right to reap the rewards of hard work and the falacy of socialism.

Gas is $42.29/gallon and cross-country flights operate on a once-weekly schedule. Trains are the most affordable mode of transportation. "Fair share" is the mindset of the government. The intellectually elite are systematically eliminated.

wkmac, Jones, brett, bbsam, Sober, Hoke and pickup, among others, would enjoy this movie. Most of the rest of you would wish you had stayed home.
I read the book (years ago), I doubt I will see the movies except maybe on blu-ray. Thinking of going to check out Looper tomorrow.


Man of Great Wisdom
I finally saw a preview for Lincoln for the first time last night. It does look pretty good. Have you seen the Men who built America on the History Channel? It's very interesting. I knew the names (Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, Carnegie, JP Morgan, Ford) but not being from the east coast I never really knew the history.

Notice how all these great men who created America did it on the backs of poorly treated workers? They cut wages to make more profit, closed plants to spite the competition, even sent in the Pinkerton Militia to quell a labor dispute. Kind of hard to figure out why Unions formed.


Staff member
Notice how all these great men who created America did it on the backs of poorly treated workers? They cut wages to make more profit, closed plants to spite the competition, even sent in the Pinkerton Militia to quell a labor dispute. Kind of hard to figure out why Unions formed.
It is indeed a mystery.


"Flight", which was due out this weekend, has been delayed in the smaller markets for two weeks. I don't know if this has anything to do with distribution issues due to Sandy but I know we're not getting it here until the 16th.

Went to see "Atlas Shrugged--Part II" this afternoon. The movie website clearly states that this movie is not intended for the 47% that Mitt Romney spoke of. They were right---anyone who feels "entitled" or that the government should take care of their every need should not go see this movie. This movie is for those who still believe in the value of hard work, the right to reap the rewards of hard work and the falacy of socialism.

Gas is $42.29/gallon and cross-country flights operate on a once-weekly schedule. Trains are the most affordable mode of transportation. "Fair share" is the mindset of the government. The intellectually elite are systematically eliminated.

Dilli, wkmac, Jones, brett, bbsam, Sober, Hoke and pickup, among others, would enjoy this movie. Most of the rest of you would wish you had stayed home.

I fixed it for ya!! :happy-very:


Staff member
From the movie website:

Atlas Shrugged Movie: Atlas Shrugged Producer Says Atlas Not For Everyone

Truth be told, I almost walked out halfway through but decided to stick it out until the end.
Yeah, he's trying to make it sound like the only reason people won't like his movie is because they're "moochers" or whatever. The reality is that it got terrible reviews (from a lot of very good reviewers) due to bad writing, sub-par acting, and poor direction. The book is not even that good, as just a straight up story it's pretty awful. It's only real value is as a statement of Rand's philosophy and even if it had been turned into a decent screenplay (which a lot of writers gave up on trying to do) with A-list actors and Steven Spielberg directing it's doubtful whether it would ever qualify as good entertainment.


Nine Lives
Went to see "Atlas Shrugged--Part II" this afternoon. The movie website clearly states that this movie is not intended for the 47% that Mitt Romney spoke of. They were right---anyone who feels "entitled" or that the government should take care of their every need should not go see this movie. This movie is for those who still believe in the value of hard work, the right to reap the rewards of hard work and the falacy of socialism.

wkmac, Jones, brett, bbsam, Sober, Hoke and pickup, among others, would enjoy this movie. Most of the rest of you would wish you had stayed home.

Don't watch movies.

I read the book ... 3 different times as I recall ... the last time, about 20 years ago.

I tend to watch and read stuff that I don't agree with. Watching, reading and discussing stuff that reinforce the way you already think is not stimulating nor enriching.
Even though I watch MSNBC, Current TV and read Friedman and Chomsky, I never agree with them and believe even more firmly in the things I do believe.
I enjoy wkmac because he believes in nothing except himself and although I appreciate his posts, I don't withdraw into anarchism.
I do believe in the role of government to enable and facilitate individuals (and business people) to accomplish the most they can.


golden ticket member
Rented Magic Mike at RedBox................fell asleep about 10 inutes in.

Rented Rock of Ages..................also fell asleep quickly.

I would've been really pissed if I'd paid an admission!!


Well-Known Member
This afternoon was the new James Bond movie "Skyfall". The action begins the moment the movie starts and before you know it the credits are rolling on the screen. A perfect blend of action, special effects, gadgets, and drama. This is easily the best of the Daniel Craig "Bonds" and is a must-see.