movie review



5 fascinating facts about Spielberg's historical drama.......

* Star Daniel Day-Lewis took a year to get into character
and remained so immersed in the role that he signed
off as "A" on text messages to co-star Sally Field.

* Actor Liam Neeson was Spielberg's first choice to
play Lincoln, but as years of preproduction dragged on,
Neeson bowed out saying he'd become too old for the
part. "I'm past my 'sell-by' date", he said.

* Oscar winner Field had to plead with Spielberg to keep
her role as first lady after Neeson quit because he thought
she was too old for the part opposite 11-years younger Daniel.

* The movie uses Lincoln's real pocket watch. The sound
designer found Abe's watch - still ticking like a Timex - and
recorded it for use in the picture.

* Screenwriter Tony Kushner took nearly 5 years to complete
the script - one year longer than the Civil War.

that is interesting stuff, thanks. Sally will probably get an oscar as well as Lewis. I wanted to go yesterday and watch it again except for the fact that the theatre was packed.......95% senior citizens.

Lincoln was a genius. the right man at the right time. he was loved by the people. 7 out of 10 people in America attended the funeral procession throughout the states. that is astounding!!

he was also one of the most hatred men in American History. Critics say he abused his war time powers. i think after studying on it that is probably true. Lincoln admitted to it but he says that he did what he had to do to save the union.

150 years later his actions are still being hotly debated. who knows what this country ( or two countries ) would be like. maybe one rich being the north and one being third world like for at least 100 years.


Well-Known Member
My son and I went to see "Flight" this afternoon. There wasn't an empty seat in the house. Excellent movie. The language, while not as bad as "Training Day", was on the rough side. The plane crash was actually somewhat of a sub-plot to the main theme of the movie. John Goodman and Don Cheadle give strong performances in their supporting roles. The ending was a surprise to both my son and I, given the circumstances leading up to it. I definitely recommend this one but do caution that the language and nudity (the movie starts with a full female frontal nudity scene) may be a bit much for those under the age of 13.


Well-Known Member
Saw "Lincoln" this afternoon. The theater was about 1/2 full. This movie is every bit as good as advertised. The attention to detail is by far the best that I have seen in a long, long time. I enjoyed watching the behind-the-scenes "vote buying" used to secured ratification of the 13th Amendment. You would think today's political circus is organized compared to that portrayed in this movie. Daniel Day-Lewis totally immersed himself in his character, right down to his mannerisms and voice. The script was expertly written, the cast was an all-star ensemble, the direction was superb---as I said, it was every bit as good as advertised.

The only part I was somewhat disappointed with was the way his death was portrayed. The announcement of his assassination to the pronouncement of death took about 5 minutes.

This is a must see.


I loved this movie. ( Lincoln ) I think that Spielburg really captured Lincoln's Humanity which is why Capt. Kirk and I have Lincoln as our favorite historical figure.


golden ticket member
We watched "Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter" tonight. Good vampire special effects.

The problem with a movie like this is we learn about the Lincoln-Douglas debates, the Emancipation Proclamation and the 14 yr. old wants to know if Lincoln's son really died of a vampire bite !!!


Staff member
We watched "Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter" tonight. Good vampire special effects.

The problem with a movie like this is we learn about the Lincoln-Douglas debates, the Emancipation Proclamation and the 14 yr. old wants to know if Lincoln's son really died of a vampire bite !!!
It's at Amazon right now under "Lightning deals" for $8.96.
So is Prometheus.

Doing some Christmas shopping....


golden ticket member
Watched Stephen King's "Silver Bullet" this moning for the hundreth time. It was a great read and a fun movie to just have on in the background


Well-Known Member
Used a free ticket to go see "Life of Pi" this afternoon. Visuals were stunning but the story was long and at times hard to follow. Wait for this one to be released on Netflix.


golden ticket member
Watching Sweet Home Alabama....did anyone else notice that Reese's hubby back in Alabama is the kid from Vegas Vacation......Mr. Papageorgio ??


Retired 23 years
I watched "The Longest Day" on TV today. Its a good war flick except that old draft dodger John Wayne played his usual douchbag "hero" character. Its beyond me how he ever became popular.


Well-Known Member
This afternoon was the new Brad Pitt movie "Killing Them Softly". Don't waste your money, unless you like gratuitious violence, vulgar language and overall depravity. I almost walked out twice but I am too cheap to waste money so I stayed. I still don't know what the plot was supposed to be.

It's sad to see any actor on the tail end of his/her career. Ray Liotta plays a two bit character who gets the crap beaten out of him in this movie. A totally forgetable performance. A paycheck. Sad.


Well-Known Member
Finished my Christmas shopping online this morning and the Pats don't play til tomorrow night so I went to see "Playing for Keeps" this afternoon. I should have stayed home and saved my money. Total snoozer.