movie review

I took my 12 year old son to see the Lego Movie today. He's a huge Legohead so he really enjoyed it and I will admit it's chock full of more adult subtle humor to keep us happy too.


Retired 23 years
All my buddies always hitting me up to fix their dam computers all the time. Im always like quit looking at porn ya freakin jackazzes lol.

You sound just like the kid (I call him a kid but hes 40 years old) who fixes my computer for me. :happy:


Oh Yeah
Just got done watching RUSH on bluray. Good flick. I already saw it in the theater. Had to watch it in the JUMPMAN CINEPLEX lol. The GODZILLA reboot looks like its going to be good. Godzilla, that's old school. I remember watching them when I was a little kid. I used to love them flicks lol.
I am so pumped for the new Godzilla. It looks like they're getting it right this time. Godzilla and The Night of the Living Dead were the two movies that scared the crap out of me as a kid and I love them to this day.


golden ticket member
We watched Vanished last night. I should've known I was in for a 'treat' when I didn't recognize any of the stars (?) in it.

"A woman searches for many years to exact revenge on a kidnapper. A psychological thriller that examines how far a person would go if pushed to the extreme."

Does the Writer's Guild give awards for losing the audience?

Bad movie.....bad writing.....bad acting !!!


Retired 23 years
I can honestly say I haven't seen a movie that I would waste big money to own for myself for years. When we are traveling I sometimes go to a local pawn shop and buy a few used movies (anywhere from 2 for a dollar to maybe 2 bucks at the most. Every pawn shop has hundreds of movies that someone has paid 5 to 30 bucks for at Walmart and watched once or twice. I watch them and usually end up giving them to other campers.


golden ticket member
We download for free......Capt. Phillips is the most recent........nearly new. But, we get some stinkers sometimes, but free is the right price.


nowhere special
We download for free......Capt. Phillips is the most recent........nearly new. But, we get some stinkers sometimes, but free is the right price.

I have an old computer hooked up to my big TV to stream videos. Its a smart TV but its easier to use a computer. More privacy that way also.


golden ticket member
I watched The Yearling (1946) today. I had watched it as a kid, and I kind of got hooked and watched it again. Good movie!

"After the American Civil War, a rebel soldier and his wife become pioneer farmers in Florida. Their son Jody is 11 years old; he gets along well with his warm and affectionate pa, but his ma is haunted by the death of her other children, so she's somber, even cold. The boy wants a pet: the dad is sympathetic, the mom obdurate. When a rattler bites pa, pa kills a doe to use its organs to draw out the poison. Jody begs to keep the doe's fawn as a pet. The parents agree, and the boy and the deer are soon inseparable. The fawn grows quickly, and as a yearling tramples tobacco shoots and eats the newly-sprouted corn. This is too much for ma, and Jody has to face harsh, adult realities." Written by <[email protected]>

What I thought about was the "social media of that time.....around 1879. The men were gathered in town in some store or someone's house and they told stories about their adventures that week......hunting stories, jokes, people's health. Who died, who had a baby etc.

It was much more fun to watch than someone texting today.

It was shot in Technicolor in the everglades. Cameras back in 1946 were not sleek, portable things. It had to be hard lugging them through the swamps......quite a feat for that time.


golden ticket member
I watched Dirty Dancing for the 837th time. I miss Patrick Swayze.....Mr. Sexy Dancer!!!

Great movie.......leave it, don't try to remake it with Jared Leto as Baby!!


golden ticket member
Watched Dallas Buyer's Club.

Jared Leto is almost unrecognizable 'til later. He did a great job.
Matthew also was good, but had a hard time seeing him so thin.
Good movie......had no idea what "buyer's club" referred to.


Oh Yeah
Buyers Club was good. Watched Homefront with Jason Statham. It was pretty good. I watched The Grandmaster(kung fu movie). That had some great fight scenes. A little slow at times, because it was trying to tell a story, basically about the guy who trained Bruce Lee. Id probably pick that up on bluray for 9.99 or less to add to my collection.


golden ticket member
We watched 'Gravity' this afternoon.

I was not impressed.........except with the colorful shots in space.

If I was alone in outer space, I would not be letting go of a grip hold to grab another !!

The scenes were too shakey to be believable.........maybe it is shakey in outer space, but I guess I'll never know.

It was just an OK movie for me.


golden ticket member
"A Resurrection"......A murdered boys spirit seeks revenge by seeking six souls to live again.
Michael Clarke Duncan, what were you thinking ? Bad movie. Mischa Barton is in it too.
It's the horror/thriller genre, but bad !!


golden ticket member
Watched American Hustle last night........long movie, but it was good.

"A con man, Irving Rosenfeld, along with his seductive partner Sydney Prosser, is forced to work for a wild FBI agent, Richie DiMaso, who pushes them into a world of Jersey powerbrokers and mafia."

Christian Bale was excellent as Irving and so was Amy Adams as Sydney....... Bradley Cooper was almost unrecognizable.
Good movie.


Fugitive From Reality
Watched American Hustle last night........long movie, but it was good.

"A con man, Irving Rosenfeld, along with his seductive partner Sydney Prosser, is forced to work for a wild FBI agent, Richie DiMaso, who pushes them into a world of Jersey powerbrokers and mafia."

Christian Bale was excellent as Irving and so was Amy Adams as Sydney....... Bradley Cooper was almost unrecognizable.
Good movie.
Finally picked that up at Red Box this weekend. Great film.