Mueller report


Well-Known Member
Why impeach so turtle head can block it in the senate? We all know republicans won’t vote to remove him regardless of any evidence. They’ll continue to investigate his wrongdoings until Election Day and hope the American people vote against his rampant criminality and corruption.

ah yes the investigation in search of a crime


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
It's truly amazing how all of you defend this guy. Release the report, show us the taxes, and everything else. An innocent man has nothing to hide. It's like a mutual support group for the clueless.
IWBF said there was bank fraud but so far no impeachment. What bank fraud?


Inordinately Right
No, usually a crime is committed and then investigated to find out who did what. Investigators don't click on on Monday morning and decide they'll check out so and so this week to see if he's done something wrong.
Russia meddled in our election.

Trump campaign met with Russians.

That warrants an investigation.

Why do you hate democracy comrade?


Well-Known Member
Russia meddled in our election.

Trump campaign met with Russians.

That warrants an investigation.

Why do you hate democracy comrade?
Trump campaign hardly did diddly squat with the Russians. Lisa Page, FBI lawyer, said under oath they had no evidence when they started investigating. The Steele dossier, funded by Clinton campaign, and widely debunked, was primary source used for FISA warrants and as it was unverified it was illegal to use it. None of this would've happened if officials in DOJ and FBI and CIA hadn't colluded to make it happen. And your boy Adam Schiff put fuel on the fire by claiming he had seen evidence of Russian collusion firsthand. To this day he hasn't produced it. By the way Obama was told the Russians were interfering in 2016. Why didn't he put a stop to it? And while I'm at it keep those SS contributions coming, we're counting on you!


Staff member
Trump campaign hardly did diddly squat with the Russians. Lisa Page, FBI lawyer, said under oath they had no evidence when they started investigating. The Steele dossier, funded by Clinton campaign, and widely debunked, was primary source used for FISA warrants and as it was unverified it was illegal to use it. None of this would've happened if officials in DOJ and FBI and CIA hadn't colluded to make it happen. And your boy Adam Schiff put fuel on the fire by claiming he had seen evidence of Russian collusion firsthand. To this day he hasn't produced it. By the way Obama was told the Russians were interfering in 2016. Why didn't he put a stop to it? And while I'm at it keep those SS contributions coming, we're counting on you!
You have your Sean Hannity montage down well.