Mueller report


Staff member
Nope, just trying to prevent further heartache for those of you still clinging to straws.
Ah. You think with 400 pages from the Mueller team that everyone should be convinced by four pages by Trumps hand picked AG who wrote a 19 page audition for the position describing how the investigation shouldn’t have been started in the first place?

Your fantasy runs deeper than I thought.

Besides, both the president and 75% of the public want Mueller’s report released so Barr should just do the right thing and release them.


Well-Known Member
It's truly amazing how all of you defend this guy. Release the report, show us the taxes, and everything else. An innocent man has nothing to hide. It's like a mutual support group for the clueless.

you didn't answer the question , what bank fraud


Well-Known Member
Nothing to see based on Barr’s four page memo?


That’s a bit of a fantasy you got goin’ on.

the fantasy is that a highly reputable AG perjured himself to cover up for the president and that a SP Mueller and his 17 angry democrats are part of the cover up.


Well-Known Member
Ah. You think with 400 pages from the Mueller team that everyone should be convinced by four pages by Trumps hand picked AG who wrote a 19 page audition for the position describing how the investigation shouldn’t have been started in the first place?

Your fantasy runs deeper than I thought.

Besides, both the president and 75% of the public want Mueller’s report released so Barr should just do the right thing and release them.
You can't wait for the legally required redacted report?

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Ah. You think with 400 pages from the Mueller team that everyone should be convinced by four pages by Trumps hand picked AG who wrote a 19 page audition for the position describing how the investigation shouldn’t have been started in the first place?

Your fantasy runs deeper than I thought.

Besides, both the president and 75% of the public want Mueller’s report released so Barr should just do the right thing and release them.
You so full of :poop:! Kudos!