Mueller report

It will be fine

Well-Known Member

Mueller concluded there was no collusion. Without a crime there can be no obstruction.
Not true. Remember Trump’s red line of looking into his business finances? Cohen went to prison for a campaign finance crime that was uncovered during he investigation. How many dead hookers are there in Trump tower? Plenty of crimes to obstruct.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Let me help you rephrase that correctly.
That doesn’t make sense unless the actors are politically motivated.
The report is one of many possible reports.
Are you saying there’s a minority report?


Well-Known Member
Because the policy of the justice department is to not indict sitting presidents. He left the decision on obstruction to the congress.
This is old news. You and others were sure some of the Trump family would be indicted. And if they aren't then how can he possibly be down the road? Give it up already.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
This is old news. You and others were sure some of the Trump family would be indicted. And if they aren't then how can he possibly be down the road? Give it up already.
We’ll give it up when we see an actual report. We’ll give it up after all the other investigations into Trump, his family and organizations are complete. It’s going to be a while, the guy is a criminal. He ran a fake university and had to settle that fraud case. Cohen implicated him in many various bank fraud schemes. His whole career has been built on fraud. Republicans are just cool with it because he picks anti abortion judges.


Well-Known Member
We’ll give it up when we see an actual report. We’ll give it up after all the other investigations into Trump, his family and organizations are complete. It’s going to be a while, the guy is a criminal. He ran a fake university and had to settle that fraud case. Cohen implicated him in many various bank fraud schemes. His whole career has been built on fraud. Republicans are just cool with it because he picks anti abortion judges.

The hail Mary pass from the pink unicorn


Well-Known Member
Not true. Remember Trump’s red line of looking into his business finances? Cohen went to prison for a campaign finance crime that was uncovered during he investigation. How many dead hookers are there in Trump tower? Plenty of crimes to obstruct.
