Mueller report


Got the T-Shirt


Inordinately Right
So Russia meddled in our election at the request of the Trump campaign, and they're going to do it again. That's the findings of our law enforcement.

I wonder what Trump is doing to stop this....


golden ticket member
So Russia meddled in our election at the request of the Trump campaign, and they're going to do it again. That's the findings of our law enforcement.

I wonder what Trump is doing to stop this....
It's Russia's desire to meddle even if the candidates are Michael Moore and Barbara Streisand.


Well-Known Member
Are you suggesting the former president should help the current president stop Russia meddling?

Personally I'm glad Obama doesn't get a say in the matter, I'm not sure why you want Obama back. Maybe once you went black, you just can't go back.
Speaking as a strong negro, capable of thinking for himself, the lacking negro ,a weak negro, is relegated to the nonsense you dealt.

You doesn't have to call me Ray, just call me

Mr. Johnson


Well-Known Member
Are you suggesting the former president should help the current president stop Russia meddling?

Personally I'm glad Obama doesn't get a say in the matter, I'm not sure why you want Obama back. Maybe once you went black, you just can't go back.
Exactly why did he not perform while he was in office? He was informed, Susan Rice was briefed, her response, Stand down.

Obama may not have a say currently, thankfully, Agreed .Quite possibly, by extension, through his surrogates an answer will be provided to his non confrontation policy. The fish stinks from the head down.

Obama was the head, the non intervention began with him, last election cycle.

Exactly who was in charge during the last fiasco, whose results of their leadership, you are intent on blaming on Trump?

I'll answer my own question, Obama.
Defend 44.