Mueller report

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Here is a novel idea : Why don't they worry about the people's business you know infrastructure, schools, taxes, living conditions that sort of thing ?


golden ticket member
Here is a novel idea : Why don't they worry about the people's business you know infrastructure, schools, taxes, living conditions that sort of thing ?
They are going on their 6 week summer break....maybe when they get back they may do the people's work.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Here is a novel idea : Why don't they worry about the people's business you know infrastructure, schools, taxes, living conditions that sort of thing ?

Because they don’t have any election winning proposals (public housing, transgenderism education and accommodation, slavery reparations, canning your private union health insurance etc) for those things and think they can’t win the election next year unless they take out Trump.

They might be right. Gonna be a loser with the voting public though.


Inordinately Right
Because they don’t have any election winning proposals (public housing, transgenderism education and accommodation, slavery reparations, canning your private union health insurance etc) for those things and think they can’t win the election next year unless they take out Trump.

They might be right. Gonna be a loser with the voting public though.
I read his question and thought, ya, why don't Republicans do any of that, they're in charge. You on the other hand seem to want the minority party to do all the work.

Quite telling.


If by that you mean a Clinton/Kerry/Obama Democrat, sure!

Oh wait, all moderate Democrats are to be labeled racists this election cycle. The hard left is trying to lose SO. DAMN. HARD. LOL
Be true to yourself bro. Don't overthink it. You are who you you are.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Be true to yourself bro. Don't overthink it. You are who you you are.

I’m comfortable with who I am. Went door to door for those Democrats. The hard left is just truly out of its :censored2:ing mind this cycle and there are gonna be a lotta tears over their getting Trump re-elected on November 3 next year I’d they keep it up.


I’m comfortable with who I am. Went door to door for those Democrats. The hard left is just truly out of its :censored2:ing mind this cycle and there are gonna be a lotta tears over their getting Trump re-elected on November 3 next year I’d they keep it up.
Any Dixiecrat that votes for Drumpf or doesn't vote for the Democratic nominee is simply a Drumpftard. Where it proud bro.:happy2:

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Any Dixiecrat that votes for Drumpf or doesn't vote for the Democratic nominee is simply a Drumpftard. Where it proud bro.:happy2:

Then the Democrats had better put some real work into their platform and pare down the Trump hysteria/virtue signaling race to be the wokest of them all.

Lotta moderates to the right of me here in the south have never voted Republican but won’t support today’s crazy left. I’m telling you, the electoral wave that’s coming isn’t going to be what you think it is if things don’t change.


Inordinately Right
Then the Democrats had better put some real work into their platform and pare down the Trump hysteria/virtue signaling race to be the wokest of them all.

Lotta moderates to the right of me here in the south have never voted Republican but won’t support today’s crazy left. I’m telling you, the electoral wave that’s coming isn’t going to be what you think it is if things don’t change.
Relax bro you'll get your chance to vote for Biden.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Then the Democrats had better put some real work into their platform and pare down the Trump hysteria/virtue signaling race to be the wokest of them all.

Lotta moderates to the right of me here in the south have never voted Republican but won’t support today’s crazy left. I’m telling you, the electoral wave that’s coming isn’t going to be what you think it is if things don’t change.
Shhhhush ... don't tell these dumbf:censored2:s.