Yours, for one.
Central Region Supplement
Article 12 Section 2
Any employee may be required to report to work before his/her regular starting time and in such event, he/she shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) times his/her regular straight-time hourly rate for all hours worked before his/her regular starting time in addition to the employee’s regular guarantee.
The only time I've seen that language applied, is when employees (drivers) are
in the building prior to their start time and are given the green light to start.
Prior to that, is when half a preload shift called off before a holiday and the company
started calling in drivers early. I've never heard of a case where the company tried
to discipline someone for it.
I probably should have said..."ours, for one"
I didn't think I was wrong.
I can even remember you posted the Local #.