My center manager changed my start time to make me look late


Well-Known Member
It's in the contract that start times are to be posted. If they are not, no discipline can be given for tardiness.

I'm aware - and I've never been disciplined - then again, I never show up late either (I'm usually 5 to 10 minutes early). We have guys on our crew that start at various times due to other obligations (everyone on the crew has a "day" job and they wrap up at different times.) Everyone is in by 6 usually, which is the official start time per the application / documentation we completed when we were hired.


The contract doesn't specify what "posted" means technically. Verbally announcing it count? Text messages? The printed and posted schedule has never been accurate for the last few weeks. So I figure they'd argue they "posted" it by telling us the afternoon before and just ignore the entire prior Friday part. It be nice if they just changed the time on Friday's instead of daily. At least so drastically (down to peak hours, 12:15am now).


Well-Known Member
The contract doesn't specify what "posted" means technically. Verbally announcing it count? Text messages? The printed and posted schedule has never been accurate for the last few weeks. So I figure they'd argue they "posted" it by telling us the afternoon before and just ignore the entire prior Friday part. It be nice if they just changed the time on Friday's instead of daily. At least so drastically (down to peak hours, 12:15am now).

Posted: display (a notice) in a public place.


Well-Known Member
The contract doesn't specify what "posted" means technically. Verbally announcing it count? Text messages? The printed and posted schedule has never been accurate for the last few weeks. So I figure they'd argue they "posted" it by telling us the afternoon before and just ignore the entire prior Friday part. It be nice if they just changed the time on Friday's instead of daily. At least so drastically (down to peak hours, 12:15am now).

File a grievance.


Only way outs inna box
On Friday I walked by my manager. He looked at me & says I’m late. I said nope my start time on my board says 9:20a. He then said I’m lying, so I get my board & show him. He look confused & makes excuses...but then I tell him to apologize. After trying to avoid apologizing for a few minutes...he does. I logged into my UPSers yesterday...and what do you know!?! It now mysteriously shows me as late. I’m on vacation this week but talked to my stewards this morning, and they are looking into it. Unbelievable!!! This has to be some type of integrity issue! :

they use the hundredths time chart. 9.17 is 09:10