I’ve been late to work once in my entire career. There was an accident on a major highway about ten minutes from the building. I end up walking into the building with five other drivers who were late. center manager standing there and doesn’t say a word to any of them except me. Next day I’m in the office because I was late. Now keep in mind first and only time in my entire career at UPS. Not one other driver that I walked into the building with had a word said to them. Got a nice harassment grievance check from that one.
I can count on 1 hand the number of times I have been late, all due to unforseen accidents.
There was an accident on the highway that I went around. Well, there was also an accident that just happened on the detour around the highway accident. I got to the PCM 3 minutes late.
The new center manager stopped his PCM and told me, in front of all 55 drivers, that I would be getting marked down as late, and that if I had attendance issues, I would be getting a warning letter. I guess he was trying to flex his muscle and show everyone who was boss on his first day, in front of everybody.
I told him, in front of these same 55 drivers, that he should give me a warning letter. Not for being late, but for not calling in 1 hour ahead of time if I was not going to be working today. I said a late and an absence basically counts the same on my attendance record. He didn't get it at first. He had a puzzled look on his face. After a few moments when he realized what I meant, and that expression on his face changed, I waved at him and walked out the door.
Before I got to my car in the parking lot, a Sup came running out to me begging me to come back and run my route and that the center manager would not mark me as late, but would like to see me in his office. When I got to his office, the center manager said that he would not mark me as late, but did not like the way I "called him out" during the PCM. He said he was going to get the Steward and have a little meeting before I ran my route. I told him that he didn't have to page the Steward to come to the office, because he was looking at him.
We got along pretty good for the next 2 years, until he was shipped somewhere else.