My Hat Goes Off To All The Veteran Drivers.


All Trash No Trailer
I went Ft in 88 and it was easier in some ways: not so many stops,same route area every day, everything loaded in the same place every day but it was also harder in some ways: no power steering,High step 1000's,no shorts in the summer heat no google maps

By The Book

Well-Known Member
Yea you know what I meant. ..I had career jobs as well. It still didn't last lol
I decided around your age to settle down and stay with one good company, instead of jumping ship all the time. If you want 8 weeks vacation and all the benefits and pension you need to stay. Starting over all the time will get you nowhere.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
I can say most of you guys paved the way for us new drivers. I spoke to many veteran drivers and the way they put it, it seems like the new drivers are born with a silver spoon. Although the work seems a bit tough to me in the beginning, I can't imagine how tough it was years ago with an older diad/No diad and less equipment. You did the dirty work... So my hat goes off to you. Much respect.
Remember to fill out that substitute COD tag.