Brothers and Sisters,
Reading it and understanding what youre reading are two different things. As a hint, anything in BOLD print is new language, anything with a line thru it is deleted language.
Depending on what classification youre in, read the articles that effect you most.
Essentially, all articles contain some form of concession that favors the company. There is NOT one article that is new or improves the protection of employees in any catagory.
It appears however, that UPS and the Teamsters left the feeder department alone with the exception of subcontracting, which the Teamsters have agreed to allow the company to hire outside the corridors for drop ships. Nonetheless, the point is this, by leaving the feeder dept alone, the fate of this contract rests with THEM.
They are both hopiing that the feeder dept will vote yes and cancel out the small percentage of part time votes, and the usual 3% of package drivers who vote on these issues.
Yes, the voting history of the UPS employees nationwide is sad. We all must motivate every employee in our buildings to read, understand whats at stake and vote no and demand that the union correct and remove the TERRIBLE language contained in article 37,43,44 and so on.
Hopefully, we can collectively convince the feeder drivers that although they are not affected that bad, WE ARE.
As a driver of 17 years, and a former executive officer of my local, I can say that this contract is full of concessions and precursers to disaster.
One key thing to look at is the pay raise issue and how it is being sold to ALL EMPLOYEES. This is what they are selling to us:
2008 70 cents
2009 75 cents
2010 75 cents
2011 85 cents
2012 95 cents
totalling $4.00 over five years.
BUT THIS IS NOT TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the way it actually works out is over 6 years:
2008 35 cents
2009 72 1/2 cents
2010 75 cents
2011 80 cents
2012 90 cents
2013 47 1/2 cents
You see folks, our money is spread over 6 years and we lose a half penny for four years. So if you spread what we actually make over 5 years (aug2008 thru aug 2012) what does it total?
I'll tell you: $3.52 over five years, with 47.5 cents and hour due to us in 2013.
Its all a play on words and numbers.
If you are a sleeper driver, you get 2 cents a year per mile over 5 yrs or ten cents a mile increase. However, youll get a penny on aug 1 and the other penny on feb 1 the following year and so on.
This FUNNY math doesnt work for us brothers and sisters..
We need to vote this contract down and make them fix every article that affects us negatively.