my thoughts on new contract


Agent of Change
$42 p/month is outstanding. Also that 10% discount on purchases is sweet too. I spend about $400 p/month at WMT. That 10% would really add up for me. Just my 2 cents.:happy2:

Kinda late but I'll jump in here. My cousin's husband worked for FedEx for about 6 months in Texas. He once told me he was paying $36/month for health insurance. He was making about $11/hr, I think. Anyone want to tell me this is a bad deal? Say what you want about the Teamsters and their dedication to keeping the working man insured. I lost a little respect for the beloved IBT when I spoke to this guy. -Rocky


Well-Known Member
Kinda late but I'll jump in here. My cousin's husband worked for FedEx for about 6 months in Texas. He once told me he was paying $36/month for health insurance. He was making about $11/hr, I think. Anyone want to tell me this is a bad deal? Say what you want about the Teamsters and their dedication to keeping the working man insured. I lost a little respect for the beloved IBT when I spoke to this guy. -Rocky
Good post man.


Well-Known Member
Well the grass is always greener on the other side. I got an idea. How about you quit and go work there. Then let us know how great it is to work a whole day to pay for your less than average health insurance and no part time or full time pension. Oh and let us know what its like to be forced to work off the clock like they've been sued for. Maybe if you convince us that Wal Mart is such heaven we'll all jump off the UPS ship to work at the Wal.
Relax. Just correcting your false statement that they don't offer health insurance. I'm not going anywhere. Been with the company for quite a while. I have no interest in working for Walmart. I'm neutral. I stand dead inbetween UPS and the Teamsters. You sure sway towards UPS. Are you in upper management?


Well-Known Member
Relax. Just correcting your false statement that they don't offer health insurance. I'm not going anywhere. Been with the company for quite a while. I have no interest in working for Walmart. I'm neutral. I stand dead inbetween UPS and the Teamsters. You sure sway towards UPS. Are you in upper management?

No. I'm a Feeder Driver who grew up with organized labor in my family and Love my company but realize that they don't exactly love me. I'm very involved with Local 407. Management seems to think if I didn't make the money I make and the benefits I receive, they would make more and wouldn't have to pay for their benefits. Without the IBT I take a huge pay cut. I don't forget where my bread is buttered.

As far as Wal Mart I will never shop there, nor will anyone in my family. With the revenue that Wal Mart brings in, what the Walton family is worth. I hope they go to hell for what they do to their employees and the taxpayers. Such greed.


Well-Known Member
Here in the Metro D.C. area, we have always enjoyed some of the best benefits in the country. That is all changing, we were notified by mail on Jan.25th that our monthly pension multiplier and health benefits are changing BIG-TIME. Looks like I will now have to work until I am 60 to get any kind of retirement plan that I will be able to live on. Friends of mine that had their 30 in last year and left got out just in time. Most of them left with over 5k/month and paying 230.00/month for health and welfare. After March 08 those of us left will be paying double for our Health& Welfare and the multiplier will drop affecting our monthly pension. Figures, I have 28yrs. I love delivery and expected to retire at 55, but it looks as though now I will be going on to feeders to finish out my career. Anybody out there in Metro D.C. have any thoughts?? Stealth8 Cheers!


Well-Known Member
Here in the Metro D.C. area, we have always enjoyed some of the best benefits in the country. That is all changing, we were notified by mail on Jan.25th that our monthly pension multiplier and health benefits are changing BIG-TIME. Looks like I will now have to work until I am 60 to get any kind of retirement plan that I will be able to live on. Friends of mine that had their 30 in last year and left got out just in time. Most of them left with over 5k/month and paying 230.00/month for health and welfare. After March 08 those of us left will be paying double for our Health& Welfare and the multiplier will drop affecting our monthly pension. Figures, I have 28yrs. I love delivery and expected to retire at 55, but it looks as though now I will be going on to feeders to finish out my career. Anybody out there in Metro D.C. have any thoughts?? Stealth8 Cheers!

Isn't your multiplier only affecting your last two years? EX: instead of $125 a month you will get $110 for the last 2 years only. Why would $30 a month make you have to work 5 more years?


I sure hope you don't get into a car accident. See here's the thing. Nobody says, you know what. I think I'll go to the hospital today and finally use those benefits I get.

When I was a Part timer I went to the hospital with bad stomach pains. Two hours later I was under the knife getting my appendix out. NOW. If I worked at Wal Mart I would have had to declare bankcruptcy for the $50,000 bill which by todays standards is pretty cheap. I didn't have to pay a thing. Thank god I had those benefits you don't need.


$50,000 seemed a tad expensive for an appendectomy, so I searched for "Cost Appendectomy" and found this:

"From the institutional perspective, open appendectomy is the least expensive strategy, with an expected cost of $5,171, as compared with $6,118 for laparoscopic appendectomy. The laparoscopic approach is less expensive if open appendectomy wound infection rates exceed 23%. From the societal perspective, laparoscopic appendectomy is the least expensive strategy, with an expected cost of $10,400, as compared with $12,055 for open appendectomy.

[I realize other expenses related to your appendectomy may have added to the final bill.]


Well-Known Member
Yes my new multiplier will only affect my future years, but now my monthly health&welfare bill has gone from 460/permonth to 920/permonth to cover my wife and I.That virtually negates my next next two and ahalf year mulitplier. 1989 are you in Metro dc area?


Well-Known Member
Yes my new multiplier will only affect my future years, but now my monthly health&welfare bill has gone from 460/permonth to 920/permonth to cover my wife and I.That virtually negates my next next two and ahalf year mulitplier. 1989 are you in Metro dc area?

No, I'm in the west. Don't all retirees have to pay the health insurance increase also?

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
First of all how many people that are part time do you know actually use the benefits? I can tell you that extra $5 an hour you claim means nothing to me if I dont use or need the benefits at the moment.

Secondly, how many part timers do you know actually are in the Union or even care to use it?


Well-Known Member

$50,000 seemed a tad expensive for an appendectomy, so I searched for "Cost Appendectomy" and found this:

"From the institutional perspective, open appendectomy is the least expensive strategy, with an expected cost of $5,171, as compared with $6,118 for laparoscopic appendectomy. The laparoscopic approach is less expensive if open appendectomy wound infection rates exceed 23%. From the societal perspective, laparoscopic appendectomy is the least expensive strategy, with an expected cost of $10,400, as compared with $12,055 for open appendectomy.

[I realize other expenses related to your appendectomy may have added to the final bill.]

I was in the hospital for 4 days. Not to mention follow ups and removing staples. If you like I'll dig out the bills.


Well-Known Member
No, anyone that has or does retire before March 1 2008 will stay under the old system. That is why as of this morning a lot of drivers (mostly feeder) that have their 30yrs in are heading out the door ASAP. But the real kicker is that we were sent the info on Jan 25 and it takes two months to go through the retirement process!! We will have to see how that is going to play out.


Well-Known Member
LMAO this is good, depending on your region, and if you local BA has balls you get representation.
it depends who runs your local. in my local it's just feeder drivers, they get first priority, & then package car drivers. anybody else i.e. combo & part timers no love.


Well-Known Member
starting rate here at Wal-mart is $9.90 last I checked UPS is $8.50

choose your poison
It has to be that high to sucker them into working there. And I do believe a dollar raise is given within a year at UPS. How much of a raise do Walmart employees get ???? I am not saying the part-time rate at UPS should not be higher, just saying I think it would be better working at UPS than Walmart.. Does Walmart still show that video in orientation about how unions are bad for America, with the circle and line through the word union??? They must be scared the employees at Walmart will one day be smart enough to want to start a union....


Well-Known Member