You haven't seen me insult you yet. I am actually trying to help you because it sounds like you need it, but I'm going to stand by my original response that you were so quick to quote, yet got nothing from, other than I said you were mooching for pretzels.
The few minutes I have spent reading your comments leads me to believe that there are other forces in play here. IDK if anyone has ever told you this before, but you should really go talk to someone in psychiatry who can help you sort out these persecutory delusions.
I'd be hard pressed to think that all these other employers are out to get you for no reason. Might be time to have a talk with yourself and get some help because in reality, YOU might actually just be the problem.
Still curious what the police told you to do though...
You're Not helping me,, by insulting me calling me a mooch, basically saying that I am a liar and making it seem as if I am a mooch and delusional and need to talk to a sum1. As if You are a doctor and evaluated me ,talked to me ,Got my full story bot just half, bc You're Still begging me to tell you wht the police said so u can bash me more. I am actually giving You a chance to actually Help me with advice. You just have issues within yourself, sounds like You Wish you had a psychiatry degree where you Can diagnose and Treat an individual with these so called problems that you are saying I have. And if you are you would private message me, not be insulting with Your so called advice, since you claim to be helping me, for laughs and the continuous ignorance that is left under my post. You are accusing me of having delusions, lmao. Being a mooch and a 30 yrold who settles for a 15 wage and are having delusional and accusing my company. Its Obviously for you to take up for this pathetic ass company who allow their supervisors to harass up until termination , you are basically saying its ok , you must be a union rep and you dnt like that I am admitting that they failed me! You are making excuses and protecting this company ,by bashing my horrible experience and turning it into I need help and accusing the company of lying on bc I need help. Am I right? And you are what kind of doctor again? Stop playing with me , stop trying to humiliate me , just as the company you are defending. You are attacking me for sharing my story. Tell me about yourself Dr. ? Bc wht you have shown me so far , that you also working with the devil, with the negative, insensitive, not needed terms you used in your so called advice of helping me. You and your buddies at the company get paid to protect the company name when slandered! You all Have to make sure to shut me up and get me out of the door before I expose the

ery thats going on. I literally emailed Carol Tome' is how serious things have gone with me getting no HELP from the union
You haven't seen me insult you yet. I am actually trying to help you because it sounds like you need it, but I'm going to stand by my original response that you were so quick to quote, yet got nothing from, other than I said you were mooching for pretzels.
The few minutes I have spent reading your comments leads me to believe that there are other forces in play here. IDK if anyone has ever told you this before, but you should really go talk to someone in psychiatry who can help you sort out these persecutory delusions.
I'd be hard pressed to think that all these other employers are out to get you for no reason. Might be time to have a talk with yourself and get some help because in reality, YOU might actually just be the problem.
Still curious what the police told you to do though...
Why I can't see your profile, why are you hiding ? are you the same person who wants to know wht kind of truck I have drive also. Bc You're stuck on these pretzels bc u see I have responded to that n the mooching part and me needing help,which is the diversion from Topic, because You now feel im bothered by it. So Again , your words interpreted to me is that I'm so poor that I rather work for 15 bucks ,I mooch for kibbles n bits like a stray dog, and it is the reason I am having persecutory delusions? Not ever mentioning that the sexual harassment that I was accused of. I guess I deserve it bc of all the things you mentioned. Thanks Dr for your diagnose and your help. Its No longer needed and you can excuse yourself from the post. now talk about my run on sentences and incorrect punctuation. Since it seems like you search for forums to attack people who speak out against this company. I admitted I really enjoyed working for this company and was the best job I obtained Up until The Harrasment! I am not lying on this company and there are never vengeful acts on my behalf. I never lie in my reports to make it seem legitimate, I tell the whole truth. I dnt accuse management of things, I say Wht exactly happened, I dnt lie on management to get them in trouble, I tell the truth. And I am innocent, I Have ZERO WORRIES ,, on the outcome of my case because I stayed strong held my own With out ANY help from my union for almost two years. If anything, I feel Highly blessed

. Bc your attacks are to discourage me, to make me feel guilty, slightly belittle me , and insults for a bck and forth, rude exchange. When only you have been rude and disrespectful just as the ppl you are defending. Sound like you have a issue within yourself to personally attack me for no reason and hide your page. Bc not once did u mention the false accusations of sexual harassment against me,instead u got out my story I was a dog looking for free dog food ,bc u used the term kibbles n mooch,which rhymes with pooch. This is the type of back and forth you are provoking. Im not with it. I'm only asking for advice not personal attacks on my life. Since you're a doctor ,I say this bc u diagnosed me with Pd ,persecutory delusions, and a ups employee who knows the handbook front to bck. Tell me wht is Suppose to happen when an employee is voicing concerns about a unsafe work environment. Wht is supoose to be done? Another thing, this is a billion dollar company with

ty camera systems that also failed me, and Failed to prove half of the things I have reported, because either its broken or out of service on the days I was physically attacked.So yea. Dr know it all, Sorry I can't take back the

ery that I have been through with the Company you are defending. I most definitely Stand by my words and my so called Persecutory Delusions . I stand behind it Tall and Strong ! And I'm not giving up , I Am not going to Just let this go. I am going to Defend myself until this is Over.. I didnt say Revenge!!! I said DEFEND ! I am defensive mode ,it has never been about Revenge for me.. I just Want Justice and to be left alone. I never said or wrote up a member of management saying they should be terminated for wht they have done to me. The law of the universe determines that ,, not me . But there should be some type consequences and discipline given for what I'm going through, I'm not saying what kind bc that would be considered being vengeful. Saying I think this n this should happen is a vengeful act! Am I asking is to be heard, made whole , treated fairly and the harassment to cease. You want me to be upset Dr so u can diagnose me with other mental issues. I am not upset , I'm fed up just like the Topic reads !