A message from Oreo............You don't keep cats. They keep you! Got it?
Cassanova !!
Nope.He`s checking out the alcohol. Klein!
He's not much of a talker, but he's got a good motor, loud purrrr...What a cutie Fet. He looks a lot like Oreo. He could be Oreo 2. LOL I actually like Pickups idea. Chat, if he is a talker.
Noname him Kleineken
Cute, those are cute More, I like.Domino OR Keno
Stubby.Was thining of that but don't know if I want to go with it, fits though cus he does have a stubby tail, or lack of one.
It is descriptive and rolls off the tongue easily, especially when you have to yell at him.,to keep away from the booze in the tub.
Peso is good, that would fit in over here. We shall see.K, first of all, this is from the SPCA... pets should have 2 syllable names, because according to all researches done, it's hard for them just to understand only one.
So here are my picks:
1 ) Simon (from American Idol, smart, wise, but a jerk at times).
2) Stewie (mischiefious baby from Family Guy)
3) Ouzo (because of his colors... black licorice with a white label, Sambuca and Ouzo are basically the same drinks).
4) name it after the next male named hurricane (because the cat came as a surprise, and in a hurry too... get it : hurrycame=hurricane).
5) Peso (because the last owners went to Mexico and wouldn't even leave you one to take care of it).
that is so true.A message from Oreo............You don't keep cats. They keep you! Got it?
No, sorry, I like rock not rap....no rap cats here, cool or not...lol.Jayzee or Eminem; they're both cool cats.
Ok Klein I give you a hard time, but I like Sheriff..... good oneWell, I came up with Sheriff after watching America's Most Wanted.
Black & White cop cars being shot at.
And this cat is black & white.
Makes a good Sheriff !