Nashville School Shooting


Well-Known Member
What’s it like to go through ones whole life being wrong?
I’ve been wrong before and I learn from it and change, you should work on that.
We here at Brown café believe in you we are pulling for you.
In what ways am I wrong? Having recommended that you take your grievances before a public policy forum and if necessary go in front of budget committee hearings and ask that a funding line item be added to the budget?
That's the only way anything will get done. Crying on BC or on similar sites will get you nowhere.


Well-Known Member
In what ways am I wrong? Having recommended that you take your grievances before a public policy forum and if necessary go in front of budget committee hearings and ask that a funding line item be added to the budget?
That's the only way anything will get done. Crying on BC or on similar sites will get you nowhere.
Lol begging for funding. Your answer is for the government to tax you take your money and then for you to turn around and beg for it back? Gotcha.

“fund me harder daddy”


nowhere special

PT Stewie

"Big Fella"
Heard an interesting statistic this morning ,since Columbine (1999) there have been 15 similar incidents resulting in 145 deaths .Absolutely no one deserves to to lose an innocent love one to such a tragedy. The biased media and the politicians capitalize on these tragedies to push their agenda .Just yesterday a Philadelphia honor student was shot and killed walking to school bringing the total to 24 children killed in the last year .What do we hear from the media crickets. Our cities are riddled with crime with record murder totals and fentanyl poisonings were over 100,000 last year.. All our leaders do is bloviate in front of microphones and nothing gets done and the media is complicit in the :bsbullf: narrative. All they do is blame law enforcement and guns . Let's send more money to Ukraine.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Question is, what's changed since the 80's to cause all these shootings? Before then these were very rare.


Well-Known Member
Yes. Let Russia annex Ukraine. It’s what Trump would do. Republicans have simplistic “solutions “ to complex issues because they are incapable of critical thought and reasoning.
I've been defending Ukraine's right to sovereignty all along. I've also wanted accountability for all the billions we're spending. Writing a blank check is what Democrats would do because they can skim off the top. If that's your version of critical thought and reasoning....


Well-Known Member
So you're pro life... that's fine. But what specific direct action aside from just talk are you currently taking to keep that life from getting gunned down at school at age 9 or keeping him from getting his head blown off at 19 in another desert war in order to ensure US continued access to foreign sourced oil? Something we have been doing ever since Kasserine Pass 1942.
How is fighting Nazis in Tunisia related to getting foreign sourced oil? And why won't Democrats open up all of U.S. territory to exploration and drilling to keep our troops out of the Middle East?


Strength through joy
The protest was rebranded before the Nashville tragedy from 'visibility' to 'vengeance' by the Trans Radical Activist Network
Vengeance' does not imply peaceful protest.
One activist appears to have taken the movement to the next level, posting a picture of a heavily armed person with an assault rifle and threatening to 'kill christcucks'.

Will extra troops be called out to protect DC ?


Well-Known Member
The protest was rebranded before the Nashville tragedy from 'visibility' to 'vengeance' by the Trans Radical Activist Network
Vengeance' does not imply peaceful protest.
One activist appears to have taken the movement to the next level, posting a picture of a heavily armed person with an assault rifle and threatening to 'kill christcucks'.

Will extra troops be called out to protect DC ?
Lmao a day of vengeance ? This reeks of the FBIs shyte. Probably trying to provoke a reaction out of normal people

Also it’s on April Fools’ Day fittingly


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
The protest was rebranded before the Nashville tragedy from 'visibility' to 'vengeance' by the Trans Radical Activist Network
Vengeance' does not imply peaceful protest.
One activist appears to have taken the movement to the next level, posting a picture of a heavily armed person with an assault rifle and threatening to 'kill christcucks'.

Will extra troops be called out to protect DC ?
I hope they come to my neighborhood.