Nashville School Shooting


Well-Known Member
So you're pro life... that's fine. But what specific direct action aside from just talk are you currently taking to keep that life from getting gunned down at school at age 9 or keeping him from getting his head blown off at 19 in another desert war in order to ensure US continued access to foreign sourced oil? Something we have been doing ever since Kasserine Pass 1942.
If I am pro life, then you are pro death. I suggest we do the exact opposite of whatever you suggest because your ideas got us here. We can start there.


Well-Known Member
If I am pro life, then you are pro death. I suggest we do the exact opposite of whatever you suggest because your ideas got us here. We can start there.
You're the one who claims to support the sanctity of life. So outside of cheap talk what direction action are you undertaking in order to preserve the sanctity of life?


Well-Known Member
You're the one who claims to support the sanctity of life. So outside of cheap talk what direction action are you undertaking in order to preserve the sanctity of life?
L O L cheap talk? The sanctity of life is everyone gets an equal chance, but not an equal outcome.

Neither you nor I can control and insane person.

And as usual, since you can’t follow the flow of conversation I didn’t claim anything all I did was post the number of deaths since 1999 for two issues in regards to life that @Integrity said he values the sanctity of life. Simply showing that in comparison mass shootings are a drop in the bucket compared to abortions. If that stat triggers you that’s not my fault.
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Well-Known Member

Are you pro death?

I didn’t get that from your previous post so I had to ask.
if you're pro life anti abortion that's fine But it doesn't end there. Are you willing to help underwrite the cost of an improved social welfare system to make certain that the kid born into a dangerous and impoverished home environment to socially irresponsible parents can be taken out of there and placed somewhere where they might have chance at an improved life?

Are you willing to help underwrite the cost of a nationwide modernization of the nation's public transportation system limiting our exposure to easily politically blackmailed foreign oil or one powered by cleaner burning fuels?

Whether you guys want to confront it or not it still comes down to money because the initiatives you people want requires a public commitment and public funding.


Well-Known Member
L O L cheap talk? The sanctity of life is everyone gets an equal chance, but not an equal outcome.

Neither you nor I can control and insane person.

And as usual, since you can’t follow the flow of conversation I didn’t claim anything all I did was post the number of deaths since 1999 for two issues in regards to life that @Integrity said he values the sanctity of life. Simply showing that in comparison mass shootings are a drop in the bucket compared to abortions. If that stat triggers you that’s not my fault.
Then why did you bring the abortion issue into this conversation aside from trying to use it as a deflection or a way to walk back what you said earlier?


Well-Known Member
Then why did you bring the abortion issue into this conversation aside from trying to use it as a deflection or a way to walk back what you said earlier?
I don’t need to walk back anything. Especially not to the likes of you.

@Integrity mentioned the sanctity of life I pointed out There’s nowhere near as many mass school shootings asmass abortions.

In my opinion, A Society that has no problem, destroying their future generations, devalues life. Making it all the more easier for those left behind to also devalue life and have no problem taking more lives because they’re just inconsequential to them.


Binge Poster
if you're pro life anti abortion that's fine But it doesn't end there. Are you willing to help underwrite the cost of an improved social welfare system to make certain that the kid born into a dangerous and impoverished home environment to socially irresponsible parents can be taken out of there and placed somewhere where they might have chance at an improved life?

Are you willing to help underwrite the cost of a nationwide modernization of the nation's public transportation system limiting our exposure to easily politically blackmailed foreign oil or one powered by cleaner burning fuels?

Whether you guys want to confront it or not it still comes down to money because the initiatives you people want requires a public commitment and public funding.
Based upon this IMO you are not pro death.


Well-Known Member
I don’t need to walk back anything. Especially not to the likes of you.

@Integrity mentioned the sanctity of life I pointed out There’s nowhere near as many mass school shootings asmass abortions.

In my opinion, A Society that has no problem, destroying their future generations, devalues life. Making it all the more easier for those left behind to also devalue life and have no problem taking more lives because they’re just inconsequential to them.
If you don't like what you see then just exactly what are you doing on your own about the problems and injustices you keep whining about?


Well-Known Member
Representing working people to the best of my ability.

Volunteering at home shelter

Help me with intercity youth
"Representing working people" In what way?
'Volunteering at home shelter" Doesn't say anything about homeless shelter.
" Help me with intercity youth" . Why are you asking for my help?

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
No hate crime against Christians according to Biden.

The who's the victim and who's the victimizer narratives must be preserved at all costs. At least until election year polls show moderates are disgusted by it.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
The who's the victim and who's the victimizer narratives must be preserved at all costs. At least until election year polls show moderates are disgusted by it.
Hate crimes in their perspective is a very narrow window. Substitute a minority religion or group in the schools name and instantly it becomes a hate crime.
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Well-Known Member
No. You do very poorly with extra information anyway.
So one can only conclude that you're doing nothing more regarding such matters than to simply complain.
These matters are matters of public policy and can only be responded to in a public policy forum .
Likewise if they require public economic support there then has to be a line item added to the budget To do that it would require you to appear in front of committee budget hearings and testify in support of that addition.

These two actions on your part offer the only chance of you ever getting the relief from the agony you are presently experiencing.


Well-Known Member
So one can only conclude that you're doing nothing more regarding such matters than to simply complain.
These matters are matters of public policy and can only be responded to in a public policy forum .
Likewise if they require public economic support there then has to be a line item added to the budget To do that it would require you to appear in front of committee budget hearings and testify in support of that addition.

These two actions on your part offer the only chance of you ever getting the relief from the agony you are presently experiencing.
What’s it like to go through ones whole life being wrong?
I’ve been wrong before and I learn from it and change, you should work on that.
We here at Brown café believe in you we are pulling for you.