Nashville School Shooting


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
It's terrible that all that has happened. But why don't gun control advocates talk about all the lives saved because a potential victim was armed? I would like to know how many perpetrators of these school or mass shootings were atheists? I recall the Columbine shooters asked one girl mockingly did she believe in Jesus before killing her. Seems people who protect themselves and their families with guns have good reason to with all the folks out there who don't believe in God and have hatred towards Christians.
We don’t bother them but they go out of their way to come after us. Well, bring it bitches. They’re gonna find out real quick if God is real.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Well-Known Member
Perfectly described. As we talked about earlier. Fifty years ago America was 80% white and Christian, Today that number is down to less than 50% and is likely to go lower. MAGA America is fighting a battle they'll never win.

Somewhat similar to when Fraulein Rahm hands Yorki a Luger and says "go shoot anybody who looks different than us".

They had better get used to encountering people who are a whole lot different that what they are.
Is Christianity in America losing it's grip on American society? Not as much that as allowing itself to be transformed into what it is in America today. No longer a ministry but rather an enterprise hiding behind a tax exempt number.
There you go with phony stats again.


Binge Poster
Try to talk to people who will listen what else can you do right now.
What do you say to people?
Problem is things aren’t necessarily bad enough yet that enough people are angry.
You seem to portray the attitude that things are bad enough. Besides talk what are you doing to improve society?

How does anger fit into change?

Isn’t there enough anger and hatred in this country?

One thing you can be sure of is almost everything you see on television is a lie
I am not sure if this is a real productive or accurate, although I do believe it is important to be cognizant of the news media agendas and to not believe everything that you hear.


Binge Poster
Such a sad circumstance. All too common in this day and this age. My heart breaks for everyone that is directly involved and impacted by this.

I can’t pretend to understand the pain and feelings that the families of those shot dead and the family of the shooter are experiencing. Such a horrible loss of life.

I believe in the sanctity of life, from the least in society to those of high character and personal success.

IMO hatred is at the root of the ills of our society. I do believe the solution is in love, the love that I believe is best described in the life and teachings of the person of Jesus Christ.

If hatred is the problem then how can more hatred be the solution. My heart breaks for those caught up in hatred of any kind.

Peace my friends.



Well-Known Member
Such a sad circumstance. All too common in this day and this age. My heart breaks for everyone that this directly involved and impacted by this.

I believe in the sanctity of life, from the least in society to those of high character and personal success.

IMO hatred is at the root of the ills of our society. I do believe the solution is in love, the love that I believe is best described in the life and teachings of the person of Jesus Christ.

If hatred is the problem then how can more hatred be the solution. My heart breaks for those caught up in hatred of any kind.

Peace my friends.

Really if you want to be honest, it’s not that common. Although I would agree that all of them are tragedies. Since 1999 175 people sadly perished at the hands of sick demented people. I also Believe in the sanctity of life. In 1999 alone there was over 800,000 abortions. We are a culture of death, and the disregard for life.



Binge Poster
Really if you want to be honest, it’s not that common. Although I would agree that all of them are tragedies. Since 1999 175 people sadly perished at the hands of sick demented people. I also Believe in the sanctity of life. In 1999 alone there was over 800,000 abortions. We are a culture of death, and the disregard for life.

I get it.

Many in our society promote war, capital punishment, destruction of the earth we live on, abortion and all of these things IMO are in opposition to the sanctity of life.

IMO hatred is at the root of the ills of our society. I do believe the solution is in love, the love that I believe is best described in the life and teachings of the person of Jesus Christ.

If hatred is the problem then how can more hatred be the solution. My heart breaks for those caught up in hatred of any kind.

My question then is:

If hatred is the problem, isn’t love the solution?


Well-Known Member
I get it.

Many in our society promote war, capital punishment, destruction of the earth we live on, abortion and all of these things IMO are in opposition to the sanctity of life.

IMO hatred is at the root of the ills of our society. I do believe the solution is in love, the love that I believe is best described in the life and teachings of the person of Jesus Christ.

If hatred is the problem then how can more hatred be the solution. My heart breaks for those caught up in hatred of any kind.

My question then is:

If hatred is the problem, isn’t love the solution?
What kind of love? The kind of “love” that tells you to do whatever you want and there’s no consequences? Or agape love?


Well-Known Member
Crazy how these cops didn't stand around pissing their pants like the punisher cops in Texas.
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Well-Known Member
Really if you want to be honest, it’s not that common. Although I would agree that all of them are tragedies. Since 1999 175 people sadly perished at the hands of sick demented people. I also Believe in the sanctity of life. In 1999 alone there was over 800,000 abortions. We are a culture of death, and the disregard for life.

So you're pro life... that's fine. But what specific direct action aside from just talk are you currently taking to keep that life from getting gunned down at school at age 9 or keeping him from getting his head blown off at 19 in another desert war in order to ensure US continued access to foreign sourced oil? Something we have been doing ever since Kasserine Pass 1942.