Nashville School Shooting


Binge Poster
Well, don’t make it personal. I’ve seen lots of memes from him and others that my first reaction might agitate me. But a good meme whether I agree with it or not, does get me thinking, or chuckling or agitated.

Take the meme in question

It’s true that transgender’s were considered mental and spent time in those places.

You can either:

1. agree that it was good and helpful


2. think it was awful and unhelpful

That particular meme made no mention of right or wrong, but it did provoke thought.

In my opinion, the point of free speech.
Wasn’t really referring to one in particular.

Was referring to the pattern and the underlying message that he may or may not be expressing.

I allowed the BC terms and rules assist me in the promptings of my spirit, conscience, and thoughts about this.

Terms and rules


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
Wasn’t really referring to one in particular.

Was referring to the pattern and the under message that he may or may not be expressing.

I allowed the BC terms and rules assist me in the promptings of my spirit, conscience, and thoughts about this.

Terms and rules


Binge Poster
Because you’re always running to the TOS like it’s the end all be all.It’s currently being enforced arbitrarily and capriciously.
That is simply untrue.

I know nothing about your second sentence except I have always had a positive experience the few times that I have experienced moderation of any kind.