Nashville School Shooting


Well-Known Member
There is no whatboutism when it comes to full funding support for the public services you people demand. You guys are the ones demanding more public services buy say nothing about where the funding will be found to pay for these increased services.
You can't have it both ways.
This was a private school for one and I’m sure the parents pay plenty, and I am an advocate for pulling your kids out of these indoctrination public failing schools.

Like I said before if your house was on fire, would you leave your kids in there and put out the fire? Would you take your kids out first?

You’re always talking about money, money, money, and yet our school suck because of ideologies like yours. And we’re throwing mountains of money at them.

Like I said, you clearly value your state representatives more than your kids it’s hilarious.


Well-Known Member
This was a private school for one and I’m sure the parents pay plenty, and I am an advocate for pulling your kids out of these indoctrination public failing schools.

Like I said before if your house was on fire, would you leave your kids in there and put out the fire? Would you take your kids out first?

You’re always talking about money, money, money, and yet our school suck because of ideologies like yours. And we’re throwing mountains of money at them.
Yes, it is about money as clearly evidenced by your final sentence. Now if you are opposed to the religion infused mind control academies that are springing up everywhere as I too am then what is your alternative? Home schooling? They've tried that in my state but overall home schooled kids weren't keeping up because money and daddy were pocketing the money and not meeting the requirements .

And BTW there was security and it was well known at Parkland and Virginia Tech and Fort Hood but it didn't stop a deranged person from picking up a gun and start shooting.

And oh yeah, you're the one who mentioned the word "valuables" AND a "Brinks truck". So just what does a Brinks truck have to do with school security?


Well-Known Member
Yes, it is about money as clearly evidenced by your final sentence. Now if you are opposed to the religion infused mind control academies that are springing up everywhere as I too am then what is your alternative? Home schooling? They've tried that in my state but overall home schooled kids weren't keeping up because money and daddy were pocketing the money and not meeting the requirements .

And BTW there was security and it was well known at Parkland and Virginia Tech and Fort Hood but it didn't stop a deranged person from picking up a gun and start shooting.

And oh yeah, you're the one who mentioned the word "valuables" AND a "Brinks truck". So just what does a Brinks truck have to do with school security?
😂You’re so full of yourself you don’t even read anybody else is writing, I’ve answered all those questions. You’ve done nothing but spin a yarn of nonsense as usual lol I’m done with you and your nonsense


Well-Known Member
😂You’re so full of yourself you don’t even read anybody else is writing, I’ve answered all those questions. You’ve done nothing but spin a yarn of nonsense as usual lol I’m done with you and your nonsense
You still have offered NO SPECIFIC PROPOSALS to try and combat the problem .
All you have to do is to go to your state's budget committee hearings register to testify and when the proceedings reach the public comment portion the chair will recognize you and you can state your grievances to the committee and what you have to offer in the way of a solution.

It will be put up or shut up time and your time will have come.


Well-Known Member
You still have offered NO SPECIFIC PROPOSALS to try and combat the problem .
All you have to do is to go to your state's budget committee hearings register to testify and when the proceedings reach the public comment portion the chair will recognize you and you can state your grievances to the committee and what you have to offer in the way of a solution.

It will be put up or shut up time and your time will have come.
I don’t have any kids in public school. That will be up to other parents if they so choose.

And as usual you pretend you have no answer, when I am the only one to have any answer. Secure the schools like you would secure your valuables because those kids are valuable more so than your money or your legislatures.


Well-Known Member
I don’t have any kids in public school. That will be up to other parents if they so choose.

And as usual you pretend you have no answer, when I am the only one to have any answer. Secure the schools like you would secure your valuables because those kids are valuable more so than your money or your legislatures.
They've already been doing that for years But, as past incidents have proven it isn't 100% fail safe. A lot of it is being paid by ARP money which isn't going to last forever and when it's gone then you're back to having to try to find the money to continue to keep them there.

There is only so much money to go around and it is entirely dependent on what the base can support and is willing to support.


Well-Known Member
This all comes down to the same More cops, more prosecutors, more jails, etc. This all costs money. I was watching the other day what was going on over in Pa. Former AG and now governor Josh Shapiro in his budget address provides more money for more state cops to cover not only for the growing number of retired PSP leaving the force but increasing the size of the force in the coming years but more money for local municipal law enforcement.

Now after hollering for years for stepped up law enforcement what's the first thing Pa GOP legislators were wringing their hands about? They say this action would contribute to the state running a deficit in two years.
Maybe instead of sending hundreds of billions overseas our Federal government helps our law enforcement here first.


Well-Known Member
They've already been doing that for years But, as past incidents have proven it isn't 100% fail safe. A lot of it is being paid by ARP money which isn't going to last forever and when it's gone then you're back to having to try to find the money to continue to keep them there.

There is only so much money to go around and it is entirely dependent on what the base can support and is willing to support.
Oh my God, which part of there’s no such thing as 100% did you not understand L O L this is big boy, big girl world not everyone gets a trophy and not everybody wins.

And which part don’t you understand that we have no problem spending money to protect people we actually care about and that’s not our kids don’t you understand? There’s one thing I’m confident of if the government wants to spend money they don’t care how much it costs.


Engorged Member
You still have offered NO SPECIFIC PROPOSALS to try and combat the problem .
All you have to do is to go to your state's budget committee hearings register to testify and when the proceedings reach the public comment portion the chair will recognize you and you can state your grievances to the committee and what you have to offer in the way of a solution.

It will be put up or shut up time and your time will have come.
No, no, no. The solution is to get rid of those evil public schools and replace them with charter and/or voucher schools. That way, all of us get to subsidize religious (read Christian) education for Conservatives. You see, public schools teach concepts like evolution, equality, social justice, actual history (not the sanitized versions) S-C-I-E-N-C-E, and introduce children to evil ideas like sex education. The slaves liked being enslaved, the Civil War was a states rights issue, and Democrats were the bad poeple, just like now. We all know that sex is only for procreation, that recreational sex is evil, and that any sex before marriage means you go straight to the Lake of Fire.

And alternative sex??!! OMG. Evil, wrong, and straight from Satan himself.

BTW. Did you know that you're married to anyone you ever had sex with? BibleMan says this is true. Did you know that eating shellfish will send you to the Lake of Fire too? BibleMan says this is true. And how about Adam and Eve. Whether they produced daughters or sons someone had to commit incest to keep it all going, right? BibleMan is silent.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Well-Known Member
Oh my God, which part of there’s no such thing as 100% did you not understand L O L this is big boy, big girl world not everyone gets a trophy and not everybody wins.

And which part don’t you understand that we have no problem spending money to protect people we actually care about and that’s not our kids don’t you understand? There’s one thing I’m confident of if the government wants to spend money they don’t care how much it costs.
Another have your cake and eat it too. You want high minimum security standards for all schools nationwide both public and private but stop short of publicly advocating for it becoming a line item in every school district budget . That would involve too much time research and commitment on your part. You seem to think that if you holler loud enough somebody will get so tired of listening to you that they will take up the cause in your behalf. Well Bud, the odds of that happening are damn near zero.


Well-Known Member
Another have your cake and eat it too. You want high minimum security standards for all schools nationwide both public and private but stop short of publicly advocating for it becoming a line item in every school district budget . That would involve too much time research and commitment on your part. You seem to think that if you holler loud enough somebody will get so tired of listening to you that they will take up the cause in your behalf. Well Bud, the odds of that happening are damn near zero.
What are you rambling about now? Why is every answer to you something the government have to do for you or you? Do something for yourself for once..

In keeping with that the private school, my neighbors, kids go to all of the parents chipped in and pay an off-duty police officer to patrol and keep their kids safe. Imagine that doing for their selves instead of begging for the government help.


Engorged Member
Maybe instead of sending hundreds of billions overseas our Federal government helps our law enforcement here first.
Yes. Let Russia annex Ukraine. It’s what Trump would do. Republicans have simplistic “solutions “ to complex issues because they are incapable of critical thought and reasoning.


Well-Known Member
No, no, no. The solution is to get rid of those evil public schools and replace them with charter and/or voucher schools. That way, all of us get to subsidize religious (read Christian) education for Conservatives. You see, public schools teach concepts like evolution, equality, social justice, actual history (not the sanitized versions) S-C-I-E-N-C-E, and introduce children to evil ideas like sex education. The slaves liked being enslaved, the Civil War was a states rights issue, and Democrats were the bad poeple, just like now. We all know that sex is only for procreation, that recreational sex is evil, and that any sex before marriage means you go straight to the Lake of Fire.

And alternative sex??!! OMG. Evil, wrong, and straight from Satan himself.

BTW. Did you know that you're married to anyone you ever had sex with? BibleMan says this is true. Did you know that eating shellfish will send you to the Lake of Fire too? BibleMan says this is true. And how about Adam and Eve. Whether they produced daughters or sons someone had to commit incest to keep it all going, right? BibleMan is silent.
Perfectly described. As we talked about earlier. Fifty years ago America was 80% white and Christian, Today that number is down to less than 50% and is likely to go lower. MAGA America is fighting a battle they'll never win.

Somewhat similar to when Fraulein Rahm hands Yorki a Luger and says "go shoot anybody who looks different than us".

They had better get used to encountering people who are a whole lot different that what they are.
Is Christianity in America losing it's grip on American society? Not as much that as allowing itself to be transformed into what it is in America today. No longer a ministry but rather an enterprise hiding behind a tax exempt number.