Browncafe Steward
You remember walking off the package and meeting the customer. The customer never saw you hit the gate. You say that you did not back in the driveway.i have a copy of the letter but the union VP has it.
Terminated for failure to report accident.
Customer didnt witness.
They are upset because she sent a letter to atlanta HQ(6/4/09)
DRV sup claims measurements match up .....but they repaired it in june.
We just got the letter 7/10/09.
this letter got to my center
What exactly measures up that the sups checked?
Was there any damage to the UPS truck?
If you were backing up and did hit the gate it should cause alot more damage then $20.
Stick to the truth. It is possible to have just slightly rubbed something without having any knowledge, you might not have felt it and could have been checking your other mirror at the time.
Lots of things happen on a daily basis. Sounds like the customer is just a plain pain in the rear end.
But at the same time i find it hard to believe that a customer would go this far over $20 in damage. Could a dry cleaning truck, fedex truck, charity pick up truck have been there? These are questions that need to be asked, especially since no one saw what happened.