Going to try and make this as simple as possible. I was reviewing my 401k and noticed Prudential took about 4K spread over my investments and moved it from pretax to after tax, not to be confused with Roth. I had contributed the max, 18k last year with about 3/4 into pretax and 1/4 into Roth. I've already done my taxes for the year and can't figure out why they would move money like this, it's never happened to me before. This transaction took place on 3/14, and just recatagorized it from pretax to after tax, pulling from the investments in the % that was contributed then re investing back in. This is the only time I've ever had anything like this and have been maxing out my 401k to the limit every year.
I contacted Prudential Teamsters 401k but they aren't open till Monday and I'm concerned I'll have to do an amended return if I have to pay tax on the money they moved in order to make it really after tax money.
Any ideas?