New branding!


Well-Known Member
This is what I was saying earlier. The transition will be incremental and will take the biggest part of a decade to complete. For someone like yourself who is on the backside of your working lifetime you won't be impacted. At the same time we see the onset a new generation who upon hearing the name Fedex immediately think of a lifetime's worth of secure full time employment with good working conditions, good pay and benefits. That's not going to be the case going forward. In fact I saw scores of young men and women come into the terminal where I was expecting to find terms I just mentioned only to be shocked to find nothing of the sort. And as time goes by they will be likely to discover more of the same over at Xpress and no doubt will be disappointed , frustrated and angry.
Except Express just installed a new pay scheme to keep the twentysomethings happy. The only reason they did so was to slow turnover way down. They've already stripped our benefits down to the nub. They are doing everything possible to reduce costs but had to give something back to keep newhires. All the predictions about Ground doing everything seems very unlikely when we can't keep newhires with better pay and some benefits over at Express. Where will the manpower come from to take on all of Express? FedEx wants stability. Giving people something to work towards creates that.


Well-Known Member
If you consider the logistics involved there's no way there will be a sudden, dramatic shift. Ground will have to hire 10's of thousands of drivers, train them, put them in vehicles, etc. Restructure routes, renegotiate contracts. No way that goes on under our noses. And if that isn't happening now then in no way will it happen until all that gets sorted out. We won't show up at Express one morning to find the gates locked to our surprise. Stop the hysteria already.

Who said it would be sudden. It doesn't have to be sudden to happen. In fact, it is already happening, and has been for several years. And ground won't need to hire 'tens of thousands' of drivers. They already have most of what they need. They are already in every area that express drivers are in. Routes won't need restructuring, and if they need a little adjusting for increased volume, the ISPs can handle that, just like they do every peak season.

You may show up one morning and find that 10% of your normal volume is gone, and then 10% of your fellow drivers, then, a year later, another 30% gone, and so on, until you are the only express driver left at the whole station.


Well-Known Member
Except Express just installed a new pay scheme to keep the twentysomethings happy. The only reason they did so was to slow turnover way down. They've already stripped our benefits down to the nub. They are doing everything possible to reduce costs but had to give something back to keep newhires. All the predictions about Ground doing everything seems very unlikely when we can't keep newhires with better pay and some benefits over at Express. Where will the manpower come from to take on all of Express? FedEx wants stability. Giving people something to work towards creates that.

The manpower will come from ground. Express is already getting their drivers used to crappy conditions, low wages, and no benefits. They will fit right in at ground when the ISPs take over express, one service at a time.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
The challenge for you is not to simply dismiss what we Ground guys are saying. The challenge is to disprove it

We're supposed to disprove what you're unable to prove?

The problem for you elitist, self absorbed egomaniacs is that you can't accept the fact that the " dirtbags" are very much a threat to your little kingdoms. This debate would have never been undertaken if you Xjocks had been able to get your costs in line. The only remaining roadblock to the transition is regulatory in nature and that firewall will be slowly but steadily dismantled in the days ahead.

This isn't a debate. This is a few people who are worried to death that there's going to be a merger of some type, along with a few people who are hoping for it, acting as if it's imminent and making a big stink about how every aspect of it will play out when there's no indication whatsoever that it will ever happen.

It may as well be a debate over which of us could beat Brock Lesnar in a UFC fight.


Well-Known Member
Who said it would be sudden. It doesn't have to be sudden to happen. In fact, it is already happening, and has been for several years. And ground won't need to hire 'tens of thousands' of drivers. They already have most of what they need. They are already in every area that express drivers are in. Routes won't need restructuring, and if they need a little adjusting for increased volume, the ISPs can handle that, just like they do every peak season.

You may show up one morning and find that 10% of your normal volume is gone, and then 10% of your fellow drivers, then, a year later, another 30% gone, and so on, until you are the only express driver left at the whole station.
Bacha29 said it would be sudden and dramatic. So what exactly has been happening for the last few years? There are 70,000 or so Express couriers. Think you can move all that freight with your current workforce? And handling everything you do plus what Express does will require better pay than what Ground offers. You won't be able to hire enough, or retain enough, people to get the work done. You guys just haven't thought this through.


Well-Known Member
We're supposed to disprove what you're unable to prove?

This isn't a debate. This is a few people who are worried to death that there's going to be a merger of some type, along with a few people who are hoping for it, acting as if it's imminent and making a big stink about how every aspect of it will play out when there's no indication whatsoever that it will ever happen.

It may as well be a debate over which of us could beat Brock Lesnar in a UFC fight.
I agree with most of what you wrote but where are the scared to death people at?


Just telling it like it is
Never said it was.
Your post comes off as a spoiled selfish child. See how that works M.friend?

You're not even comparing apples to apples. So tomorrow's Saturday? What's that got to do with Ground getting Express packages?

And while I got you here, why did you take me off your ignore list? Or was it because as a shill you had to?

Kiss my ass.


Active Member
I still can't imagine a ground driver having to deal with dispatch a couple times a day, doing re attempts. Taking on call pick ups with a hour window. Let's be honest, there are many ground guys on my route area that still will not pick up a box that's been sitting at a location they deliver to daily for over a week. A simple 2 pound box. If they can't do that right, then imagine just doing a priority stop or re attempt on a business. Do you really think a ground guy is going to do a re attempt.

I'm actually going to opposite and say they will eventually weed out the contractors down the line. FedEx loves to have to much control. There just building there infurstucture off of the contractors back. Heck the pay progression has been low and benefits have been going away at express but people are still sticking around. So why not go absorb some of the ground drivers into express and have better control over everything.

Express will never take over Ground because of this Why FedEx Express Is Covered by the Railway Labor Act: An

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Who said it would be sudden. It doesn't have to be sudden to happen. In fact, it is already happening, and has been for several years. And ground won't need to hire 'tens of thousands' of drivers. They already have most of what they need. They are already in every area that express drivers are in. Routes won't need restructuring, and if they need a little adjusting for increased volume, the ISPs can handle that, just like they do every peak season.

You may show up one morning and find that 10% of your normal volume is gone, and then 10% of your fellow drivers, then, a year later, another 30% gone, and so on, until you are the only express driver left at the whole station.
And I'm sure you believe wholeheartedly that you can do an infinitely better job of combing Donald Trump's hair....but that ain't about to happen, either!


Well-Known Member
Wrong. Like you are most of the time. Twenty three years with Ground going back to the development stages of RPS. That elitist mentality you X jocks will be your undoing.Why do I say that? Smart contractors like IWBF are already gearing up for the transition. Why? BECAUSE THEY DON"T HAVE ANY OTHER CHOICE. They hand you the new contract specifications and if you can't meet them It's hasta la vista baby. Now you X jocks can go on living in your sheltered, elitist little worlds with my blessing. At the same time when you look at small pay raises and the evisceration of benefit plans and the growth in the part time work force which you Xjocks are constantly bitchin about, you should not need Fred S to tell you that Xpress is an unit that has become too expensive to operate. You can see that with your own two eyes.
Its incredible how you ground contractors arent even concerned that your drivers aren't going to want a comparible wage to ups. Your kool aid must be extra sweet over there. But good luck to you on your plantation sir. Also i think the drivers you refer to as x jocks are just people who know their worth in this business. So to all you ground drivers out there. Always reference your pay to a ups driver. You do the same work as that unionized worker. If your making just a third of what he's making. something is terribly wrong. Your better just living in the projects collectin welfare. Or be your own boss and drive a uber or lyft. Dont put money in these peoples pockets. They make it off the sweat of YOUR back and could care less of your physical well being. Which you cant even take care of because you have no health benefits... MIC DROP


Well-Known Member
The challenge for you is not to simply dismiss what we Ground guys are saying. The challenge is to disprove it The problem for you elitist, self absorbed egomaniacs is that you can't accept the fact that the " dirtbags" are very much a threat to your little kingdoms. This debate would have never been undertaken if you Xjocks had been able to get your costs in line. The only remaining roadblock to the transition is regulatory in nature and that firewall will be slowly but steadily dismantled in the days ahead.
Its incredible how you ground contractors arent even concerned that your drivers aren't going to want a comparible wage to ups. Your kool aid must be extra sweet over there. But good luck to you on your plantation sir. Also i think the drivers you refer to as x jocks are just people who know their worth in this business. So to all you ground drivers out there. Always reference your pay to a ups driver. You do the same work as that unionized worker. If your making just a third of what he's making. something is terribly wrong. Your better just living in the projects collectin welfare. Or be your own boss and drive a uber or lyft. Dont put money in these peoples pockets. They make it off the sweat of YOUR back and could care less of your physical well being. Which you cant even take care of because you have no health benefits... MIC DROP

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Its incredible how you ground contractors arent even concerned that your drivers aren't going to want a comparible wage to ups. Your kool aid must be extra sweet over there. But good luck to you on your plantation sir. Also i think the drivers you refer to as x jocks are just people who know their worth in this business. So to all you ground drivers out there. Always reference your pay to a ups driver. You do the same work as that unionized worker. If your making just a third of what he's making. something is terribly wrong. Your better just living in the projects collectin welfare. Or be your own boss and drive a uber or lyft. Dont put money in these peoples pockets. They make it off the sweat of YOUR back and could care less of your physical well being. Which you cant even take care of because you have no health benefits... MIC DROP
Just because they want ups wages doesn't mean they'll get it. Express guys want ups wages too. Your latest convoluted step progression shows that's not going to happen. The people we hire need jobs. Ups drivers earn their wage through 10 years of service to their company, my guys walk in off the street and make decent money. You dropped the mic after a weak tired argument that is demonstrably untrue.