New branding!


Well-Known Member
Do you think ups will also change as they make more than x. Same business ,different name.

You mean other than expanding our service offerings to mirror yours? Surepost, expansion of the number of zip codes that we service with EAMs and the introduction of Saturday delivery are just a few of the "changes" that we have made to remain "competitive" within the industry.
You mean other than expanding our service offerings to mirror yours? Surepost, expansion of the number of zip codes that we service with EAMs and the introduction of Saturday delivery are just a few of the "changes" that we have made to remain "competitive" within the industry.
Welcome back.
Your troll tag is waiting for you.

You ain't fooling nobody Pal


Well-Known Member
Do you think ups will also change as they make more than x. Same business ,different name.
If Ground continues to grow, especially at the expense of UPS, there will have to be some major concessions made in future contract negotiations. Will get real interesting over there. Bacha of course is more sympathetic to them with their high pay and great benefits than to the Express couriers who've been reamed for many years now. Somehow in that scenario we're "elitists" according to him. I for one am not against unions who are responsible. FedEx certainly deserves one. But no one has yet to show how we get around the RLA. If pro-union Democrats wouldn't put us under the NLRA when they had complete control of the gov't(they got bought off), then all the finger pointing by the blame gamers at the Express rank and file means very little. Yeah, I'm going to vote for the weasels who screwed us.


Just telling it like it is
You mean other than expanding our service offerings to mirror yours? Surepost, expansion of the number of zip codes that we service with EAMs and the introduction of Saturday delivery are just a few of the "changes" that we have made to remain "competitive" within the industry.
Well, well, well the rat's come out if hole.


59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
You xjocks are most welcome to throw all the insults and put downs at the "dirtbag" ground people you want but one fact still remains. There is a segment of the population larger in some areas of the country than others who can closely enough replicate what you people do and will do it for half the wages and no benefits.

You act as if that puts your side at an advantage.

The Ground contractors have proven that fact by means of their ability to procure that labor and use it in a manner that produces the desired results. Yes, as IWBF and I have discussed before it is transitional employment, the job between jobs,but people are staying at it longer because the supply of capable workers still exceeds the number of jobs available in most parts of the country making turnover surprisingly low. Now if you Xjocks want to go on believing that X does not recognize that advantage and will not attempt to capitalize on it to the fullest possible extent then all I can say is........we''ll see.

You must live in Backwards World.

There has been a very significant amount of turnover at Express because the compensation wasn't competitive with other available jobs. Your solution? Bring in people who'll make half the pay and get no benefits!

The people who are leaving Express are finding jobs that offer a better combination of pay and benefits. Your take? There is a shortage of better paying jobs!

If you're seeing less turnover at Ground it's because you're getting people with fewer options, and it's not due to a lack of better jobs being out there, if ya catch my drift.
Well, well, well the rat's come out if hole.


59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
First of all I don't drink period. Secondly in this day and age the ONLY thing that is for certain and that is CHANGE and the package delivery business like the economy itself is always changing making the lowest cost and most adaptable service provider the one most likely to succeed.

There you go again, thinking you can underpay your way to success.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. The vast majority of employees will never be there for 10 years, much less 10 "steps". They absolutely know this in Memphis, so it's just another strategy to play the employees...again.
As I've never seen a layoff at FedEx and know personally hundreds of 10+ years employees, why wouldn't they stay if they actually have something to work towards? Getting rid of them in nefarious ways after a few years seems to defeat the purpose of reducing turnover. How long until everyone knows FedEx is lying about the 10 step plan in this internet age? I can understand the resentment as 10's of thousands of us got screwed. But if they can't be competitive in an inflationary economy they go down in flames. Market reality caught up with them and the newhires benefit.


Engorged Member
As I've never seen a layoff at FedEx and know personally hundreds of 10+ years employees, why wouldn't they stay if they actually have something to work towards? Getting rid of them in nefarious ways after a few years seems to defeat the purpose of reducing turnover. How long until everyone knows FedEx is lying about the 10 step plan in this internet age? I can understand the resentment as 10's of thousands of us got screwed. But if they can't be competitive in an inflationary economy they go down in flames. Market reality caught up with them and the newhires benefit.

"Having something to look forward to" has been the official management answer to low wage progression for years now. My point is that they really haven't made much of a change.

If they think a little extra frosting on the Costco cake is going to retain people, they're going to be very disappointed.

It's ridiculous to even have this conversation with a management team that can't even commit to a 10 year top out and resorts to steps as a means of continuing the employee rape.

Nothing has really changed.


Well-Known Member
"Having something to look forward to" has been the official management answer to low wage progression for years now. My point is that they really haven't made much of a change.

If they think a little extra frosting on the Costco cake is going to retain people, they're going to be very disappointed.

It's ridiculous to even have this conversation with a management team that can't even commit to a 10 year top out and resorts to steps as a means of continuing the employee rape.

Nothing has really changed.
You really think in 2026 newhires today won't be making $26+hr? I think the only way it doesn't happen is a major economic meltdown or WWIII.


Well-Known Member
He's PROUD of that.

If he could, maybe he would.
Look I don't care what you say about me. You're not me family and you're not me friend. All you represent to me is well, just so many people. In fact your bare existence is of no consequence to me. Whether there's network integration or no network integration I'll still get payed. But change is coming and whether you and the others are impacted in a negative or positive fashion it makes no difference to me. I along with IWBF and others on the ground side have presented a strong argument and come down on the side of network integration in the coming years and there's one thing you X guys can take to the bank. In the meantime CSP's and ISP's will be gearing up in preparation for whatever new assignments they're given and they will carry out those assignments in a surprisingly easy fashion.


Just telling it like it is
You really think in 2026 newhires today won't be making $26+hr? I think the only way it doesn't happen is a major economic meltdown or WWIII.
If they're able to find anybody to work for them at all by then. The company is going in one direction and that's straight into hell. They should make it before 2026.