New branding!


Well-Known Member
Its incredible how you ground contractors arent even concerned that your drivers aren't going to want a comparible wage to ups. Your kool aid must be extra sweet over there. But good luck to you on your plantation sir. Also i think the drivers you refer to as x jocks are just people who know their worth in this business. So to all you ground drivers out there. Always reference your pay to a ups driver. You do the same work as that unionized worker. If your making just a third of what he's making. something is terribly wrong. Your better just living in the projects collectin welfare. Or be your own boss and drive a uber or lyft. Dont put money in these peoples pockets. They make it off the sweat of YOUR back and could care less of your physical well being. Which you cant even take care of because you have no health benefits... MIC DROP
You xjocks are most welcome to throw all the insults and put downs at the "dirtbag" ground people you want but one fact still remains. There is a segment of the population larger in some areas of the country than others who can closely enough replicate what you people do and will do it for half the wages and no benefits. The Ground contractors have proven that fact by means of their ability to procure that labor and use it in a manner that produces the desired results. Yes, as IWBF and I have discussed before it is transitional employment, the job between jobs,but people are staying at it longer because the supply of capable workers still exceeds the number of jobs available in most parts of the country making turnover surprisingly low. Now if you Xjocks want to go on believing that X does not recognize that advantage and will not attempt to capitalize on it to the fullest possible extent then all I can say is........we''ll see.

Gone fishin

Well-Known Member
You xjocks are most welcome to throw all the insults and put downs at the "dirtbag" ground people you want but one fact still remains. There is a segment of the population larger in some areas of the country than others who can closely enough replicate what you people do and will do it for half the wages and no benefits. The Ground contractors have proven that fact by means of their ability to procure that labor and use it in a manner that produces the desired results. Yes, as IWBF and I have discussed before it is transitional employment, the job between jobs,but people are staying at it longer because the supply of capable workers still exceeds the number of jobs available in most parts of the country making turnover surprisingly low. Now if you Xjocks want to go on believing that X does not recognize that advantage and will not attempt to capitalize on it to the fullest possible extent then all I can say is........we''ll see.
That's actually kind of sad reading that line "will do it for half the wages and no benefits"
This sir is why our middle class is being devoured by the 1%ers and people can't work hard and get paid fairly.
If I was you I'd put a little more thought into what I was doing.


Well-Known Member
That's actually kind of sad reading that line "will do it for half the wages and no benefits"
This sir is why our middle class is being devoured by the 1%ers and people can't work hard and get paid fairly.
If I was you I'd put a little more thought into what I was doing.
Yes, they're eagerly lining up to do work that'll keep them poor forever. Instead of him railing against "X jocks" he should, as you mentioned, be thinking about the implications of being an enabler for a bunch of greedy bastards.


Well-Known Member
That's actually kind of sad reading that line "will do it for half the wages and no benefits"
This sir is why our middle class is being devoured by the 1%ers and people can't work hard and get paid fairly.
If I was you I'd put a little more thought into what I was doing.
I didn't say I like this condition but it is a market driven economy and for the past decade the market has overwhelmingly favored the employer not the worker and it seems as though this really all began when Reagan busted the air traffic controllers union in 1981. Rest assured contractors would love to pay their help far more money and benefits but they are now caught between. the need for better pay and crushing downward pressure being placed on settlements by X. If you xguys want to correct the situation and restore balance then all you have to do is to vote in a strong union and stand by it. The odds of getting that vote are near zero thanks for the most part to the southern states section of the country occupied by impressionable people who's minds are controlled by preachers, demagogues and politicians who made them believe that the road to prosperity can be found by making the rich richer and to assert their rights through collective bargaining would not be in keeping with Christian values. To those among you who are strong backers of a free market economy I say, here's your free market economy, cherish the experience.


Well-Known Member
Yes, they're eagerly lining up to do work that'll keep them poor forever. Instead of him railing against "X jocks" he should, as you mentioned, be thinking about the implications of being an enabler for a bunch of greedy bastards.
Yes, they're eagerly lining up to do work that'll keep them poor forever. Instead of him railing against "X jocks" he should, as you mentioned, be thinking about the implications of being an enabler for a bunch of greedy bastards.
Every day you work for FedX you are an enabler for a " bunch of greedy bastards" as well. As I said to "gone fishin" it is a market based economy driven by a debt crushed and powerless working class whose ability to empower themselves was taken away a long time ago But again this November VT you'll go out and vote for every pro business big money anti union Republican candidate on the ballot because you refuse to accept the fact that your well being is at the very bottom of their list of concerns.


Engorged Member
How many of yours really expect to be there for ten years. $16.60 is barely a living wage.

Exactly. The vast majority of employees will never be there for 10 years, much less 10 "steps". They absolutely know this in Memphis, so it's just another strategy to play the employees...again.


Well-Known Member
Bacha29 said it would be sudden and dramatic. So what exactly has been happening for the last few years? There are 70,000 or so Express couriers. Think you can move all that freight with your current workforce? And handling everything you do plus what Express does will require better pay than what Ground offers. You won't be able to hire enough, or retain enough, people to get the work done. You guys just haven't thought this through.

You make my point. Why have 70,000 drivers going to the same places ground already goes? They may need to add a few drivers to handle a few of the packages, but why would fedex want a duplicated workforce with duplicated terminals, fleet, mgmt, and you know it.


Well-Known Member
Its incredible how you ground contractors arent even concerned that your drivers aren't going to want a comparible wage to ups. Your kool aid must be extra sweet over there. But good luck to you on your plantation sir. Also i think the drivers you refer to as x jocks are just people who know their worth in this business. So to all you ground drivers out there. Always reference your pay to a ups driver. You do the same work as that unionized worker. If your making just a third of what he's making. something is terribly wrong. Your better just living in the projects collectin welfare. Or be your own boss and drive a uber or lyft. Dont put money in these peoples pockets. They make it off the sweat of YOUR back and could care less of your physical well being. Which you cant even take care of because you have no health benefits... MIC DROP

Current express drivers don't make the same as UPS- why do you expect ground to pay it when they start taking express?????? Doesn't make sense.


Well-Known Member
Express drivers by means of their lower wages and reduced benefits directly impacts X's ability to undercut UPS That in the opinion of X drivers is perfectly ok. Now that another party is being positioned whether they want to or not to undercut the X drivers that in their opinion is a crime against humanity. Current full time X drivers for the time being can be reasonably assured as to their current level of job security.At the same time however with hedge funds, pension funds and investment banks on their backs regarding the ongoing disconnect between Ground and Express and the belief that it's hurting returns and shareholder equity you know damn well whether it's sooner or later, the easy way of the hard way they're going to have to do something about it. Furthermore when the ancient artifacts currently on the board eventually leave and the new board takes over the process may be accelerated .Most importantly there's not a damn thing that I or any person or persons reading these comments can do about it but to prepare as best they can.


Well-Known Member
Express drivers by means of their lower wages and reduced benefits directly impacts X's ability to undercut UPS That in the opinion of X drivers is perfectly ok. Now that another party is being positioned whether they want to or not to undercut the X drivers that in their opinion is a crime against humanity. Current full time X drivers for the time being can be reasonably assured as to their current level of job security.At the same time however with hedge funds, pension funds and investment banks on their backs regarding the ongoing disconnect between Ground and Express and the belief that it's hurting returns and shareholder equity you know damn well whether it's sooner or later, the easy way of the hard way they're going to have to do something about it. Furthermore when the ancient artifacts currently on the board eventually leave and the new board takes over the process may be accelerated .Most importantly there's not a damn thing that I or any person or persons reading these comments can do about it but to prepare as best they can.

Before express starts shipping to ground, they need to complete the ISP model nationally. Only then will some of these who refuse to see the course understand. If fedex gets away with the ISP model, you could even look for small chain stores, like GAP stores converted to ISP model, where the ISP does the hiring, firing, sales, and get to keep a % of sales.

Instead of an actual franchise where the franchisee owns the location and inventory, like a McDonalds, McDonalds could own the location and just pay someone to manage it, like fedex is paying the ISP to manage the delivery end. Not quite a franchise, but definitely not an independent business.

Gone fishin

Well-Known Member
I didn't say I like this condition but it is a market driven economy and for the past decade the market has overwhelmingly favored the employer not the worker and it seems as though this really all began when Reagan busted the air traffic controllers union in 1981. Rest assured contractors would love to pay their help far more money and benefits but they are now caught between. the need for better pay and crushing downward pressure being placed on settlements by X. If you xguys want to correct the situation and restore balance then all you have to do is to vote in a strong union and stand by it. The odds of getting that vote are near zero thanks for the most part to the southern states section of the country occupied by impressionable people who's minds are controlled by preachers, demagogues and politicians who made them believe that the road to prosperity can be found by making the rich richer and to assert their rights through collective bargaining would not be in keeping with Christian values. To those among you who are strong backers of a free market economy I say, here's your free market economy, cherish the experience.[/
Before express starts shipping to ground, they need to complete the ISP model nationally. Only then will some of these who refuse to see the course understand. If fedex gets away with the ISP model, you could even look for small chain stores, like GAP stores converted to ISP model, where the ISP does the hiring, firing, sales, and get to keep a % of sales.

Instead of an actual franchise where the franchisee owns the location and inventory, like a McDonalds, McDonalds could own the location and just pay someone to manage it, like fedex is paying the ISP to manage the delivery end. Not quite a franchise, but definitely not an independent business.
i can tell you one thing for certain and that is no way in hell would express ever go to ground. My hope is your day drinking and are about 12 deep


Well-Known Member
i can tell you one thing for certain and that is no way in hell would express ever go to ground. My hope is your day drinking and are about 12 deep
First of all I don't drink period. Secondly in this day and age the ONLY thing that is for certain and that is CHANGE and the package delivery business like the economy itself is always changing making the lowest cost and most adaptable service provider the one most likely to succeed.

Gone fishin

Well-Known Member
First of all I don't drink period. Secondly in this day and age the ONLY thing that is for certain and that is CHANGE and the package delivery business like the economy itself is always changing making the lowest cost and most adaptable service provider the one most likely to succeed.
Well I do. What do you feel a driver should make. 7-8 dollars. We're already cheap. We're behind ups ,Dhl and the post office. Express is time sensitive and people pay good money and expect their freight on time.


Well-Known Member
First of all I don't drink period. Secondly in this day and age the ONLY thing that is for certain and that is CHANGE and the package delivery business like the economy itself is always changing making the lowest cost and most adaptable service provider the one most likely to succeed.
First of all it sounds like you could use a drink or a joint. Secondly the contractor model is not as adaptable as an employee model. And their is a point of diminishing return on turning and entire workforce of a corporation the size and worth as big as FedEx into a contractor model.


Just telling it like it is
And the end of the day Ground still sucks. Big time.

Their service, general appearance to the public, professionalism and FMCSA scores have not improved one bit since day one. Worse if anything.

And they're gonna be an industry leader? On what planet?


Well-Known Member
Every day you work for FedX you are an enabler for a " bunch of greedy bastards" as well. As I said to "gone fishin" it is a market based economy driven by a debt crushed and powerless working class whose ability to empower themselves was taken away a long time ago But again this November VT you'll go out and vote for every pro business big money anti union Republican candidate on the ballot because you refuse to accept the fact that your well being is at the very bottom of their list of concerns.
I vote for them because I can't vote in good conscience for abortion and gay rights advocates, not to mention just about every other bit of social engineering the Dems advocate. To lay all of that on Southerners when there are plenty in other states that feel the same way shows your bias. A major reason the Rust Belt is suffering is that when you did have strong unions you constantly pushed for more. Look what that got you. And Reagan dealt with a government union that was interfering in an essential for national security function. And in closing my fellow congregants, may I remind you that if we're all getting paid very well with strong unions dictating to companies what will be, we aren't competitive in the world market. How are you going to compete with hundreds of millions of poor Chinese, etc? The world has infinitely changed from the days of constant growth in this country. Now it's about developing new technologies as opposed to building cities. We are a service based economy now, and yes, Ground is a response to customers wanting the lowest price for their shipping. Express may hang on as the choice for expedited service, at a cost, but it's unlikely to grow in this environment. We're in, as Fred said, a saturated market. Thus the need to acquire companies like TNT to grow in other markets. To lay all of this on us poor, white, religious Southerners is simplistic at best, but mostly ludicrous. It is what it is, amen and thank you Jesus.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
What's that got to do with Ground getting Express packages?

It's a conversation that's about as useless. If the conversation is beyond your cognitive limits, feel free to skip it.

And while I got you here, why did you take me off your ignore list? Or was it because as a shill you had to?

Kiss my ass.

The state of our education system, ladies and gentlemen...

Gone fishin

Well-Known Member
I vote for them because I can't vote in good conscience for abortion and gay rights advocates, not to mention just about every other bit of social engineering the Dems advocate. To lay all of that on Southerners when there are plenty in other states that feel the same way shows your bias. A major reason the Rust Belt is suffering is that when you did have strong unions you constantly pushed for more. Look what that got you. And Reagan dealt with a government union that was interfering in an essential for national security function. And in closing my fellow congregants, may I remind you that if we're all getting paid very well with strong unions dictating to companies what will be, we aren't competitive in the world market. How are you going to compete with hundreds of millions of poor Chinese, etc? The world has infinitely changed from the days of constant growth in this country. Now it's about developing new technologies as opposed to building cities. We are a service based economy now, and yes, Ground is a response to customers wanting the lowest price for their shipping. Express may hang on as the choice for expedited service, at a cost, but it's unlikely to grow in this environment. We're in, as Fred said, a saturated market. Thus the need to acquire companies like TNT to grow in other markets. To lay all of this on us poor, white, religious Southerners is simplistic at best, but mostly ludicrous. It is what it is, amen and thank you Jesus.
Do you think ups will also change as they make more than x. Same business ,different name.


Well-Known Member
You make my point. Why have 70,000 drivers going to the same places ground already goes? They may need to add a few drivers to handle a few of the packages, but why would fedex want a duplicated workforce with duplicated terminals, fleet, mgmt, and you know it.
And you miss my point. Your guys don't go everywhere we go day in day out. There are hundreds of thousands of addresses daily that aren't duplicated by both services. You'll need to do massive hiring to deal with all that, plus purchase all those idle Express trucks to put the drivers in, plus expand facilities to house the trucks. I suppose y'all could just take over the existing Express locations and keep Ground and "Ground Overnight" seperate. But don't kid yourself that current Express employees are going to go along meekly. After all the crap we went through you think we'll just take reduced pay and few if any benefits? When word gets out FedEx would have huge PR problems. And other companies following the Ground model? The recent Greek riots over austerity measures would look like a day at the park in comparison. You guys love to fantasize about taking over the world with you at the helm. Well Napoleon, it ain't gonna happen.