Well-Known Member
In my short time at ups i seem to have noticed quite a high rate of guys not being able to do the job. Whether its an inside guy going on his 30 or a casual off the street, seems a lot of people cant hack it. Youd think it would be a very easy job, shoot delivering pkgs, i can easily do that is what i thought. Turns out its not that easy at all especially in the beginning. So I wanna say 1 out of 2 cant/arent willing to hack it; I see a lot of faces come and go. Except the inside guys, still see them. At least they get to try again in another year. My one piece of advice to anyone going out on their 30 days from within the building is to go go go. You have to prove you can get the job done efficiently in order to make seniority. youre gonna have to prove yourself and pick it up pretty quickly. I happen to have gotten 6 months to work on my trade before i was tested on it, you get much less. ive seen guys who are on the pre load fail cause they thought it would be a guarantee. Dont be the guy who has to have two different drivers meet you and when they get their your smoking a butt or doing anything other than looking at your diad or in the back of the truck. If you want it youre gonna have to shine... And shave your beard if you have one.