To start off I have been with UPS for 9 years. I have done everything from loading trailers, clerking, bulk, preload, you name it I have done it. Seven months ago I decided I wanted to give air driving a stab. Turns out I really liked it. PM air not EAM. I enjoyed being out on the road on my own with no one looking over my shoulder. Long story short I'm now 2 weeks into full time package car driving and I'm struggling bad. 70 stops is taking me 10-11 hrs a day. I have zero road knowledge because I never really thought I needed it. Always used a gps or like map quest. My business stops are somewhat easy cause they are all close to each other. when I get to my resis stops is when I start to struggle. I never know witch way to go. I follow trace by the way. Whats going to happen when I swing drive and I don't know the area at all? I mean my training route i didn't know either but i have been out there for going on 3 weeks now. I thought about just giving up and disqualifying myself but why be a quitter? IDK its just so hard and I have no idea what I'm doing. Having zero road knowledge scares me to. I did not go into this thinking it was going to be a cake walk. I knew it was going to be hard. I knew I was going to want to quit. I suck with the DIAD to.
What exactly does ORION do? I hear it tells you where to go? if so how? I also keep reading its a complete disaster. So was EDD when it first launched. I hear anyone can be thrown out in the blind with ORION and know exactly where to go? Is this true? My center is still about a year out from getting ORION. I'm in INDPLS IN if it matters.
Everyone goes through this. When I was trained one of the supes basically used me as a driver helper for 2 days and was shocked when I went out by myself for the first time and had 25 stops done at 1:30pm.
Look at a map when you get home late So you can memorize the street names. If you can manage it drive the route on the weekend.
Know what your boundaries and main roads are.
Understand that the trace is generally broken into sections meaning in the morning after your air you'll deliver you first business stops, then you'll deliver resi stops, then pickups etc. Try to get an understanding of what the trace wants you to do and how it wants you to drive the route.
And here's the most important: talk to the senior drivers in your center about how to drive the route. There are drivers that you see every morning at the PCM who know it better than any mgmt possibly could. Go and pester them for answers. They'll help because they remember how it was for them too. Good luck.