you speak about c/s as if it were a nothing position. i will tell you that when i started w/UPS i was in the CSTC, (but it was ups'ers then) it is outsourced now. but i worked in many different positions including some in operations. this is not a spitting contest about whose job is more difficult or worse or fill in the blank.
Customer Service, PCA, and other admin positions have been outsourced to outside agencies. these people do not work for ups. they don't care who they sound or what they say to a customer.
after i was downsized (after 18 years) and i was in a new job, i became the "UPS girl" because of my experience. well, i called the 800# for PCA and asked the phone rep to do something. their response was, "we can't do that. My computer won't let me access that" i responded with "sure you can, hold the control key down and press F4, the toggle........ so here i am, an outsourced PCA UPS employee, telling the agency person who is hired to "do what i did" and i am telling them how to do my job. i was also told by a CSTC (also outsourced) that we (note i still say we) no longer do OT/PU's. that i had to go to a Customer Counter (did that job too) or to a UPS store. all of this info of course is wrong. and that is b/c UPS has entrusted cust. svc. to non ups people. and the pca group, our mega, largest, national accounts, (where i was when i was outsourced) i maintained over 250 of our national mega accts. handled everything from problem resolution, reducing churn. making sure they were happy with our service. and fixing anything with the pkg once it leaves the drivers hands and enters the system. this is not cush job. btw, PCA was part of BD. no, i am not out in the hot, the cold, the rain, the snow breaking my back. but i am working just as hard for the same company. (i digress, sorry) but even PCA is now run by non-ups people, which is why people in operations our experiencing such problems with upset customers. the outsource agencies don’t have a clue and don’t care.
so, upssaleguy, please don't belittle C/S or PCA as if it were nothing. we (everyone) are all part of a chain, and that chain is only as strong as its weakest link.