Alright so I've been with UPS for about 7 months now, starting as a seasonal driver. Once the work ran out as a driver, I was desperate and took a job as a preload pt sup and oh baby, what have I done to myself..... So it goes like this, they show me the paperwork that is to be done everyday and, actually that's the extent of my training. I went to Intergrad for driving and had a great experience, so I was somewhat surprised when I wasn't trained for a supervisor position. It's only been 3 months but this is what I've gathered, I'm responsible for the work of 8 people and 28 trucks, if anything goes wrong, it is all my fault. I got guys who slave to load 255 pph and my bosses ask me why they are stacked out. (while sweat is streaming down my face due to me helping the loader so the packages down fall down on him) My bosses tell me that I am not to work but I am to simultaneously make sure the trucks get loaded even I have to do it myself. They say "safety first" they will throw so much down the belt that there is no virtual way the loaders can safely do their jobs. I'm just surprised with that a company can operate this way for as long as it has. Everyday is chaos, the workers and management are always at each other's throats and there are a lot of "the policy says this but we actually do this". Like the 27.5 hours a week thing, say I work 7 hours one day, I am expected to only log 5.5 or the time will be "unacceptable". It seems my bosses greatest talents are lying to themselves about how things run there. If I have an employee with a problem, they think the best solution is to yell it out of them. Common sense tells me that's not true, but here it seems common sense is frowned upon. So my question is, how am I supposed to deal with all of this BS? Does anyone have any words of wisdom, and not the whole "grow some balls" talk cause well, balls will get you through a tough situation but wisdom will help you get you through a tough season in life.