New Video! Contract Update! 50 Days Left!


Well-Known Member
I overheard one of our local leaders say "don't pay attention to what the Philly local does or says. They're a :censored2:ing mess."

I was surprised by the statement but that seems to be the consensus around the water cooler.

Also, the 2 supplements that aren't done are the two locals that are always the last to get wrapped up.
Thanks for the video. It's nice to hear that it's a wide spread issue. Our local is only doing it 1 day next week from 7 am till 8 pm. With how we have been getting hammered i guess i am going in before work :/ it is.... very strange that its this way but whatever.
Are any doing the vote at work?


Well-Known Member
It's VERY important that the strike vote gets passed. Without authorization to strike the Company will laugh at any serious negotiations and I guarantee you will lose ground again in the long run. Vote YES on the Strike Vote and (when the time comes) vote NO on the company's first contract offer.
Then we’re walking, there’s no time for all that before august 1. I’m of the opinion there will be a strike. O’Brien’s made very public his list of demands and he hasn’t backed down on any of them, and I don’t think he will, I mean how would he and still save face? Making your demands known to the members, in such a detailed fashion, is no bueno during negotiations. It raises expectations to a level that is unattainable, these are negotiations, there’s a give and take.

Jim Rockford

Well-Known Member
Then we’re walking, there’s no time for all that before august 1. I’m of the opinion there will be a strike. O’Brien’s made very public his list of demands and he hasn’t backed down on any of them, and I don’t think he will, I mean how would he and still save face? Making your demands known to the members, in such a detailed fashion, is no bueno during negotiations. It raises expectations to a level that is unattainable, these are negotiations, there’s a give and take.
He already backed down on the biggest promise to hold off til the supplements were finished. Im tellin y’all we aint strikin. Teamsters are a subsidiary of democrats and they aint gonna let us. Ill eat my fist on facebook live if we go on strike. We’ll work without a contract and the brown cafe excuse machine will go into full affect.


Well-Known Member
He already backed down on the biggest promise to hold off til the supplements were finished. Im tellin y’all we aint strikin. Teamsters are a subsidiary of democrats and they aint gonna let us. I’ll eat my fist on facebook live if we go on strike. We’ll work without a contract and the brown cafe excuse machine will go into full affect.
Next 50 days will be interesting
He's getting everything he promised us and he's getting it in the next 50 days.

Nah, I'm just :censored2:ing with you...we're walking.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
Then we’re walking, there’s no time for all that before august 1. I’m of the opinion there will be a strike. O’Brien’s made very public his list of demands and he hasn’t backed down on any of them, and I don’t think he will, I mean how would he and still save face? Making your demands known to the members, in such a detailed fashion, is no bueno during negotiations. It raises expectations to a level that is unattainable, these are negotiations, there’s a give and take.

O'Brien's list of demands are not that difficult.

5 years ago....those who voted turned down the master and most of the supplements..In Ohio we were not even allowed to vote on our Rider. Will this happen again...NOPE. Even if O'Brien handshakes on the deal he still has to deal with his rank and file that are still angry over the handling of the previous Hoffa Contracts.

22.4's from the chatter on the internet was a Union proposal..Their main goal is to create more full time positions that pay into their controlled Pension and Health and Welfare Plans. Their wage disparity was a concession that the previous administration was willing to give up, the Union got their new, younger, primarily "off the street" members that will continue to feed their benefits plans for the next 30 years. If these 22.4's had the same rights and could reach the same top scale as their RPCD counterparts .... "It would not be an issue"...


Got the T-Shirt
Are you seriously justifying that decision...?

Uh.... yeah ?

I believe in order to vote on a rider it needs to be opened. If it’s not open, there’s nothing to vote on. There’s lots of reasons not to open them you might lose more than you gain.


Once you open it.... everything in it.... is subject to re-negotiation.

The wage increases followed the Master.


Your Local is not conducting a secret ballot ?


The ballots are "anonymous" but were handed out directly to every driver in the employee parking lot. We filled them out in front of union reps and in some cases each other before we went in. The ballot box was a modified Rubbermaid plastic tub with a lock on it. :happy-very:


nowhere special
The ballots are "anonymous" but we were handed out directly to every driver in the employee parking lot. We filled them out in front of union reps and in some cases each other before we went in. The ballot box was a modified Rubbermaid plastic tub with a lock on it. :happy-very:
They didn't fill out the ballots for you to save time?