NFL Boycott - Will FedEx Peak be current events?


Just a turd
Just like DIDO.
DriveInDriveOut is giving out Disagree X to every post.
I guess he wants the Disagree to go the way of Derail.
This is what happens when an individual abuses the ability to express a sincere opinion ...
instead of taking the time to reply.

Is there a solution for a person who continues to abuse the Disagree X icon?
Note: DIDO is the abuser that motivated you to remove the Derail.

So you will do something about some red X's, but let @RonBurgandy?????????? get threatened with a bullet to the head and you do nothing.
Ridiculous, simply ridiculous


Well-Known Member
Gee, I don't know. Maybe Obama can give details about the huge entourage he took to Hawaii numerous times. All those people, including 24/7 Secret Service, put up in nice hotels and fed great food three times daily. Pence on the other hand had a stopover on his way back to Washington from Las Vegas, dealing with that tragedy. Mountain, meet molehill.

How much money did Bill Clinton waste when he had airspace shut down so he could get a haircut aboard Airforce 1 on the tarmac 1 day

How much taxpayer money was wasted when Bill lied UNDER OATH about Monica.

It's cute that you both think I am a Democrat. Let alone thinking I care if two wrongs make a right or not. The point being made was money wasted by Pence's stunt versus stunts pulled by members of Congress walking out in "outrage".


Inordinately Right
Just like DIDO.
DriveInDriveOut is giving out Disagree X to every post.
I guess he wants the Disagree to go the way of Derail.
This is what happens when an individual abuses the ability to express a sincere opinion ...
instead of taking the time to reply.

Is there a solution for a person who continues to abuse the Disagree X icon?
Note: DIDO is the abuser that motivated you to remove the Derail.
Maybe @cheryl needs to have a conversation with you about how you blatantly violate the Terms of Service of this site by trolling on a daily basis. I used to say you were the worst mod ever as a joke, but lately, it seems that your only purpose on this site is to make inflammatory comments to upset people. It's gotten out of hand, and for this garbage to come from a moderator..... I almost feel sorry for you.
Have not gone to bed yet.
I'm still excited from trolling yesterday.
I hate that it is Monday because no one is posting during the day.
Trolling and spoofing with the reindeer.
It's fun messing with the emotionally overwhelmed.
Sorry man!
I can't recall what we were trolling about.
Is there something you wanna get off your chest?
7 Ways to Get Your Posts Edited or Deleted

7. TROLLING. What is trolling? Making extreme rude, disparaging or inflammatory comments just to get an emotional response. If you see someone "trolling" please use the report link to alert the moderators/troll catchers.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Maybe @cheryl needs to have a conversation with you about how you blatantly violate the Terms of Service of this site by trolling on a daily basis. I used to say you were the worst mod ever as a joke, but lately, it seems that your only purpose on this site is to make inflammatory comments to upset people. It's gotten out of hand, and for this garbage to come from a moderator..... I almost feel sorry for you.

7 Ways to Get Your Posts Edited or Deleted

7. TROLLING. What is trolling? Making extreme rude, disparaging or inflammatory comments just to get an emotional response. If you see someone "trolling" please use the report link to alert the moderators/troll catchers.
I really shouldn't have to report posts made by mods. I've reported 2 or 3 of his in the last few weeks. He's really lacking civility lately.


Nine Lives
Maybe @cheryl needs to have a conversation with you about how you blatantly violate the Terms of Service of this site by trolling on a daily basis. I used to say you were the worst mod ever as a joke, but lately, it seems that your only purpose on this site is to make inflammatory comments to upset people. It's gotten out of hand, and for this garbage to come from a moderator..... I almost feel sorry for you.

7. TROLLING. What is trolling? Making extreme rude, disparaging or inflammatory comments just to get an emotional response. If you see someone "trolling" please use the report link to alert the moderators/troll catchers.
My response to @cheryl is below ... I will accept guidance from her.
I apologize for posting in the FedEx forum ... I did not notice, thought it was Current Events.

  1. It's in the context of Current Event which is 90% trolling.
  2. The stups can't figure it out for themselves that they are trolling.
  3. It's like I tell them continously, I'm just a mirror.
  4. They don't like what they see ... which is themselves.


Inordinately Right
My response to @cheryl is below ... I will accept guidance from her.
I apologize for posting in the FedEx forum ... I did not notice, thought it was Current Events.

  1. It's in the context of Current Event which is 90% trolling.
  2. The stups can't figure it out for themselves that they are trolling.
  3. It's like I tell them continously, I'm just a mirror.
  4. They don't like what they see ... which is themselves.
giphy (1).gif


Nine Lives
The real problem here is that the leftie cuckservatives don't like a superior player coming into the game against them.
Play ball!

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
It's Current Events!
If you can't stand the heat, don't come into the kitchen.
No one will miss your pusillanimous posts any way.
The difference between us is I can debate without personal attacks. You resort to foul language, racist slurs and personal attacks. To each their own, I would just think @cheryl would expect more from her mods.