NFL Boycott - Will FedEx Peak be current events?


Well-Known Member
The days of cheap municipal services are coming to an end . Because of the Chesapeake Bay Initiative the small town where I live was ordered to build a completely new sewage treatment plant . The cost? ....50 million dollars....THE WHOLE DAMN TOWN ISN'T WORTH 50 MILLION DOLLARS. No need to mention what it did to water and sewage bills. One of the electric utility stocks i hold a few shares in cut it's dividend 40%. What for?....New transmission and distribution lines. The only point I was trying to make is that in the past NFL owners always had that saber they could rattle and that was to threaten to move to another city that would give them what they wanted. They may not have it in the future. With only so much money to go around city officials may have to choose between public health and safety and high profile entertainment venues.

Route 66

Slapped Upside-da-Head Member
Another ratings service came out not too long ago with a survey on which are the 10 best cities in the world to live in. You want to know how many of those 10 were American cities? The answer.....0 .
I thought for sure Memphis would've made the list. :confused:


Well-Known Member
Another ratings service came out not too long ago with a survey on which are the 10 best cities in the world to live in. You want to know how many of those 10 were American cities? The answer.....0 .
And there are developed countries besides the U.S.. Point some folks never seem to get is the U.S. is by far the largest developed nation on Earth. There's a whole range of urban landscapes. Those lists always focus on large cities, which cities like San Francisco and New York do reasonably well on. But focus on the suburbs of said major cities and see the wealthy pockets that outshine anything on those lists with maybe the exception of Singapore. Stats can be used in many ways and don't always give a complete picture.


Well-Known Member
The days of cheap municipal services are coming to an end . Because of the Chesapeake Bay Initiative the small town where I live was ordered to build a completely new sewage treatment plant . The cost? ....50 million dollars....THE WHOLE DAMN TOWN ISN'T WORTH 50 MILLION DOLLARS. No need to mention what it did to water and sewage bills. One of the electric utility stocks i hold a few shares in cut it's dividend 40%. What for?....New transmission and distribution lines. The only point I was trying to make is that in the past NFL owners always had that saber they could rattle and that was to threaten to move to another city that would give them what they wanted. They may not have it in the future. With only so much money to go around city officials may have to choose between public health and safety and high profile entertainment venues.
Well let me ask you, is the NFL looking to building a stadium in your hometown? If not then what's the issue?


Well-Known Member
Well let me ask you, is the NFL looking to building a stadium in your hometown? If not then what's the issue?
Read the last sentence of my previous post. What I'm getting at is that the willingness on the part US cities to give NFL owners whatever they want in order to get them to move to that city may not be as strong or as competitive as it used to be. The treasury busting cost of rebuilding and modernizing US infrastructure may leave cities that would otherwise be receptive to the location of an NFL to have to put clean water, structurally sound bridges roads and sewers first on the project list ahead of stadium construction. Given the fact that today's passage of a short term federal budget will add 1.5 trillion to the deficit as well as the fact that Trump's tax cut package is projected to throw another 1.5 trillion dollars on the pile willing takers of an NFL team in the future may be few and far between. Then again given that you're moving to another country this should be of no concern to you. Hope you love soccer, cricket and figure skating.


Well-Known Member
We all know that but they can't just say, " We don't have a problem with unarmed Americans(black/brown) being executed by the cops". So many use the troops as a surrogate. Many of those same people outraged had no problem voting for a person who said a POW is a looser for being caught or the fact he ducked the Vietnam war 5 different times because he created some phony ailment to get out of serving. The same guy who's wife had to hit his arm to get him to place his hand over his heart for that very same anthem. Nah, they don't care about the troops. This is about continuing State run murder.


Well-Known Member
We all know that but they can't just say, " We don't have a problem with unarmed Americans(black/brown) being executed by the cops". So many use the troops as a surrogate. Many of those same people outraged had no problem voting for a person who said a POW is a looser for being caught or the fact he ducked the Vietnam war 5 different times because he created some phony ailment to get out of serving. The same guy who's wife had to hit his arm to get him to place his hand over his heart for that very same anthem. Nah, they don't care about the troops. This is about continuing State run murder.
More than 90% of blacks murdered are by other blacks. This whole thing started on a lie about Michael Brown being on his knees saying "stop, don't shoot!" Never happened. Black Lives Matter was born from this, and they repeatedly called for the murder of cops, which happened in Dallas and Baton Rouge. Yes, there are bad cops who do terrible things. But most cops don't. And unfortunately because of the high crime in many black neighborhoods decent black people have to put up with being stopped and frisked, etc. But the vast majority of cops aren't looking to harm or harass black people. Plenty of white cops have been killed protecting good black people in black neighborhoods. And because so much criticism has come against cops they have backed off proactive enforcement in many places leading to a surge in crime. Chicago is particularly bad. You saying that whites are all racists looking to harm blacks just isn't so. Some, sure. Most, definitely not.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
More than 90% of blacks murdered are by other blacks. This whole thing started on a lie about Michael Brown being on his knees saying "stop, don't shoot!" Never happened. Black Lives Matter was born from this, and they repeatedly called for the murder of cops, which happened in Dallas and Baton Rouge. Yes, there are bad cops who do terrible things. But most cops don't. And unfortunately because of the high crime in many black neighborhoods decent black people have to put up with being stopped and frisked, etc. But the vast majority of cops aren't looking to harm or harass black people. Plenty of white cops have been killed protecting good black people in black neighborhoods. And because so much criticism has come against cops they have backed off proactive enforcement in many places leading to a surge in crime. Chicago is particularly bad. You saying that whites are all racists looking to harm blacks just isn't so. Some, sure. Most, definitely not.
It didn't start with Michael Brown. If you think that incident was a one off you're missing the point.


Well-Known Member
More than 90% of blacks murdered are by other blacks. This whole thing started on a lie about Michael Brown being on his knees saying "stop, don't shoot!" Never happened. Black Lives Matter was born from this, and they repeatedly called for the murder of cops, which happened in Dallas and Baton Rouge. Yes, there are bad cops who do terrible things. But most cops don't. And unfortunately because of the high crime in many black neighborhoods decent black people have to put up with being stopped and frisked, etc. But the vast majority of cops aren't looking to harm or harass black people. Plenty of white cops have been killed protecting good black people in black neighborhoods. And because so much criticism has come against cops they have backed off proactive enforcement in many places leading to a surge in crime. Chicago is particularly bad. You saying that whites are all racists looking to harm blacks just isn't so. Some, sure. Most, definitely not.
So you are saying it's ok for cops to murder because it's just 10%? Got it.


Well-Known Member
So you are saying it's ok for cops to murder because it's just 10%? Got it.
Less than 10% and of the remaining percentage not all were killed by whites. It certainly isn't ok that anyone gets murdered. But the increased tension between races is due to portraying most black murders as coming at the hands of whites, particularly black men at the hands of white cops. Not so. And I've talked to a number of blacks who sincerely believe it. Race relations are never going to improve if blacks believe that every time they leave home they risk losing their lives at the hands of a racist white man. And that's pushed by black leaders who gain financially, and white liberals who need the minority vote to get power.


Well-Known Member
See David Duke or ask any Klansman . Or are you a Klansman?
David Duke is an idiot who holds sway on very few white people. Al Sharpton and others like him have millions of blacks convinced that White America seeks to oppress and harm them. And are given a platform by venues like MSNBC to spread lies.