And 80 pct of Crime on whites is perpetrated by Whites. So with you logic It's ok for Latino cops to rob Whites? Cops are support to be above all. They're suppose to represent fairness. " But, "The job is dangerous...". "You know the job was dangerous when you took.", to Quote Dudley Do-right. Get the hell out and open up a flower shop if a cop is scared. Does our military go into counties and execute anyone that look someone that may do something? Under the ROE, a member of ISIS has more rights than a black in his car or walking. "He scared me so I shot him". And I don't want to hear about most cops are good. If they know a co-work is being unlawful and they choose not to report them then they are just as "Bad" as the cop committing wrong. They bring up Chicago. Crime has gone down all over the country. If America can go to the other side of the world, find Saddam"s hiding hole and pull him up from it, if America can go half way around the world, land onto a property in pitch darkness and take out the mastermind of 911, America can end crime in Chicago. But you know what? America doesn't want to end it. It needs something to point and say, Look at them.. Ferlando wasn't in Chicago when the state executed him. A black man has a stroke in his car. Cops arrive on scene and because he won't wake up from his semi unconsciousness, they taser him. When that won't wake him, they pepper spray him. When that won't work, they pull him out of his car, throw him on the hot pavement, burning his face, letting his own car run his foot over and only then they say, " He buddy is going to be ok, help is on the way. R U friend Kidding me?
Crime? A study showed there are more whites, in numbers, doing drugs than minorities yet it's the latter arrested for drugs at a higher number. Why is that? The FBI has reported white Supremacists are in law enforcement. I already knew this from first hand knowledge. State execution is not only excepted, its wanted by almost half of Americans. Don't believe what they say, believe what they do. Remember MAVAVELI, they hate you. Never forget that.