No vacations last two weeks of July through August in 2023.


The Most Hated Troll 😈
Wasn't management boot licking all this time to get promotions and keep their jobs? When did they lose even more of their dignity and begin to BUTT LICK instead? Boot-licking is bad enough but BUTT LICKING is just plain nasty.
Let me cut the crust off for you. Boot licking is what management does, but butt licking 👅 is what union members do to the horses ass. But I can’t blame y’all really. This is the only job that will over pay you to deliver packages. Keep the good job up fellows.


Well-Known Member
that individual is scarred. No posts about personal ambitions all hate posts
He really should be asking himself how he failed so miserably, and a bunch of knuckle dragging, uneducated, big belt buckle wearing, Walmart shopping, inbreeds were able to get such a great deal and he didn’t 🤣


Well-Known Member
Let me cut the crust off for you. Boot licking is what management does, but butt licking 👅 is what union members do to the horses ass. But I can’t blame y’all really. This is the only job that will over pay you to deliver packages. Keep the good job up fellows.
HAH, joke's on you. I never aspired to delivering packages and making 6 figures. I'm good being a hubrat. 15 years and counting.

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