That's a Python! My pops had the blued version!!!Well I guess it's safe to say I'll probably never have a Python. They're going for over $4k now. They're one of my favorites but I'd never pay that amount for an individual gun. I wouldn't even have paid that for my Peacemaker. Sadness.
View attachment 253183
A gun is a gun .... son ....
Why did Pythons go up in price so much? They average $3-4K and I even saw a mint one listed for $13K on a gun broker's site.
I blame Rick GrimesWhy did Pythons go up in price so much? They average $3-4K and I even saw a mint one listed for $13K on a gun broker's site.
That shows how much I keep up on gun news, I didn't know they went bankrupt, I just figured they were bought out by a bigger company. I did notice most of the ones I looked at were made in the '70s. They are beautiful weapons,I wouldn't mind having one. My first and only revolver is a Dan Wesson with a six-inch barrel, its fun to shoot.They really shot through the roof when colt went bankrupt a couple years ago. Had my eyes on it and when that came out it almost doubled in price.
I blame Rick Grimes
Did not know Colt was belly up either.
View attachment 254389
That shows how much I keep up on gun news, I didn't know they went bankrupt, I just figured they were bought out by a bigger company. I did notice most of the ones I looked at were made in the '70s. They are beautiful weapons,I wouldn't mind having one. My first and only revolver is a Dan Wesson with a six-inch barrel, its fun to shoot.
He was a bad example of a Python user, I don't know how he hit anything pointing the barrel down all the time.
Not to me. A S&W Model 36 would be like a crown jewel. A Beretta 92 is hardly fit to wipe my ass.A gun is a gun .... son ....
Because ass bags are willing to pay it so the market is there.Why did Pythons go up in price so much? They average $3-4K and I even saw a mint one listed for $13K on a gun broker's site.
What do you expect? He's British.Rick Grimes definitely had bad form, especially for a lawman.
Well, kicking would be a strong word in this instance.It was in 2015. They’re still kicking tho I believe.
I found a Smith & Wesson 38 special laying in the snow one day on my route.I'd like maybe just a nice Police Special 38.