Non-Political Gun Talk (On topic)

I have been lurking

Tired hubrat
FINALLY! The nice thing about the sba4 is it balances nicely for bedside duty


Amatuer Malthusian
I regret not stocking up on 40 cal bullets a while back. Can't find any anywhere. I did manage to pick up some plated 125 gr 357 hollow points. Never seen stores so picked over.


Amatuer Malthusian
Funny story about these oversize 9mm rejects. My father acquired them from a guy who had a whole 55 gallon drum of them.

The whole thing fell off his clapped out half ton(!) Ford onto I 5. Strangley this incident did not make the news. What a mess.

Can you imagine how much a drum of those would weigh?

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
A guy traded me some 9mm reloads as part of some motorcycle engine work. I then tried to use those for my CHL qual. in a SDVE. The gun jammed first shot. Took a gunsmith to remove the round. So, I've been told-never depend(your life) on anything but factory new ammo. Thoughts and opinions. Yes, I know the factories may not always be there...


nowhere special
A guy traded me some 9mm reloads as part of some motorcycle engine work. I then tried to use those for my CHL qual. in a SDVE. The gun jammed first shot. Took a gunsmith to remove the round. So, I've been told-never depend(your life) on anything but factory new ammo. Thoughts and opinions. Yes, I know the factories may not always be there...
Reloads are great for practice but you shouldn't rely on them for personal defense. Besides reliability issues (not a problem if the reloader knows what he's doing) there are legal and liability issues if you ever need to shoot someone with them.