Not Much Sympathy For Striking Chicago Teachers


Well-Known Member
I cant wait til we go on strike next year and have to hear in the corporate media: "what are they striking for?? They make about $80K a year plus benefits!!" You ALL know the reason we would be on the streets: holding on to what we already have while UPS demands concessions. UPS saying : We have to remain "competetive" and the union saying: you made $5 BILLION last year its a matter of fairness. Bubbleheads in the media will surely start every sentence with: "But you have to think,in this economy, ..."

The Chicago teachers have courageously defied the gang-up of both corporate-controlled parties—the Democrats and Republicans—together with the media and the financial elite. They are fighting not just for their own jobs, living standards and working conditions, important as that is. They are fighting for principles: the defense of public schools and the right of young people to a decent education.


Well-Known Member
Can't wait to go on strike ???? No, nothing bubbleheaded about that ???? Why bother paying Union Leadership the ultra high salaries when you believe they cannot negotiate a fair contract for the membership !!


Well-Known Member
Can't wait to go on strike ???? No, nothing bubbleheaded about that ???? Why bother paying Union Leadership the ultra high salaries when you believe they cannot negotiate a fair contract for the membership !!

Our union leadership brought us Teamster 75th anniversary license plate brackets this morning---I handed mine back to our BA.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
U do realize this has very little to do with us this is a public union. Taxpayers pay for everything not profit. Most if not all public unions should be disbanded.


Strength through joy
Washington — Teamsters President James Hoffa on Thursday compared the Republican Party to genocidal Cambodian leader Pol Pot and likened the tea party to the John Birch Society.
Pol Pot led the Khmer Rouge which was responsible for the deaths of about 2 million people in Cambodia.
Hoffa hopes the federal government will soon end an anti-corruption consent decree against the union that's been in place since 1989. "We've been working on this for a long time," Hoffa said. "We would like to see it lifted. We're talking to the government. … Our union is a clean union. There's no corruption in our union."
{ Ya right }

Teamsters leader compares GOP to Cambodian dictator | The Detroit News |


Well-Known Member
U do realize this has very little to do with us this is a public union. Taxpayers pay for everything not profit. Most if not all public unions should be disbanded.

No its the same thing. Whether its bosses or corporations or mayors or governors, they always try to play all of us working people off each other. They want us to be jealous of one another. They want us to say: "I dont make $66k a year plus benefits. I dont have a tough union protecting me..." So I guess no one should then, huh??

I understand it is tax payer money BUT THIS IS STILL A LABOR STRUGGLE BETWEEN BOSSES AND WORKERS!! Some of the people siding with the mayor have turned on their own family members or neighbors because bastards like emmanuel or walker want to divide the working class and want a race to the bottom with wages. What will happen when scott davis starts saying we have to freeze all union salaries because fedex workers make less OTHERWISE WE WILL HAVE TO RAISE RATES AND FEES BIG TIME!! He to will resort to calling us overpaid and spoiled in these "tough economic times"!!


Well-Known Member
Teachers and the Mayor reach a tentative settlement! Back to work. peace TOS
Whoops...FAIL once again! Union opts to continue Chicago teachers strike; mayor takes fight to court! Union opts to continue Chicago teachers strike; mayor takes fight to court - CNN week-old teachers strike in Chicago's public schools will continue into the new week, after a representative group of the Chicago Teachers Union decided not to end the walkout even though union leaders and school officials had reached a tentative contract deal.-------This is why employee PUBLIC unions will soon be a thing of the past......Where's Scott Walker when you need him???


Well-Known Member
Chicago Strike Shows How Unions Stifle Reform---- Chicago Strike Shows How Unions Stifle Reform - It was the latest reminder that teachers’ unions exist to expand the pay and protections of teachers, not to help “the children.”--- Unions protect their worst-performing members, which is why Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s testing plan caused so much angst.------- Even though the reforms were led by Mayor Emanuel, the former chief of staff to President Barack Obama, the Obama administration refused to weigh in on the matter. Obviously, a public school labor dispute is not a federal issue, but Obama rarely recognizes any constitutional limits on anything. He could have used this nationally publicized strike as one of those “teachable moments,” but we understand his silence. He didn’t want to anger the unions.---


Well-Known Member
I do understand what teachers go through, there are parents that spend no time teaching there children. It's all on the teachers, there is only so much they can do. I hope strike ends soon. Not fair to the childrens. There is also scholarships at stake high school students can't play because of the strike. So yes I have sympathy for teachers.


Strength through joy

Chicago teachers also get the highest pay.
Even while sending their own children to private schools at a rate of 39% due to the inferior quality of their own instruction, Chicago teachers will not settle for anything less than a 30% increase on their already grotesquely extravagant salaries.
For anyone who thinks they are only being greedy on behalf of the 400,000 children they are walking out on, this graphic shows where the money goes; it’s an Illinois State Board of Education pension chart:
This shows a pension liability of almost $1 billion for the top 100 overpaid educrats in Illinois. But so long as someone else can be forced to pay for it, it will never be enough.



Well-Known Member
I also found this interesting....

- Unionized teachers in Chicago make an average of $76,000 per year, not counting benefits. The median income in Chicago is $30,200 per year. The average income for people with a Bachelors' Degree in Chicago is $49,000 per year. Average teacher salaries in Dallas and Miami are between $50,000 and $55,000.
- The average final salary for CPS teachers in 2000 was $63,900. The average final salary in 2011 was $105,888.
- The average starting pension in 2011 for CPS teachers is $77,496. This is an 80% increase over what it was in 2000. $77,496 x 30 years = $2.3 million. This doesn’t count cost of living increases.
- In the private sector, employers typically contribute a maximum of 3 or 4 percent towards an employee’s 401k account. In CPS, 75% of the funding for the teachers’ pensions comes from taxpayers.
- 4 out of 10 kids attending CPS schools don’t graduate.
- 9 of the top 10 high schools in Chicago are charters schools.
- The school day in Chicago is 5 hours and 45 minutes. This is the shortest day of any major school system in the country. A student attending CPS schools from K-12 will end up getting 3 years less academic instruction than in most other major school districts.
- 40% of CPS teachers send their kids to a non-CPS school.
- And finally, there was a recent letter to the editor in Chicago written by a teacher, who said she needs the money ... so she can send her kids to ... a private school.

Fire them all and hire non union teachers. Teachers unions are not necessary, and only hinder student progress.


golden ticket member
They suspended the strike.....they say they will be back to work tomorrow. Hopefully the days they were late starting school will be added on to the end of the school year!!