I also found this interesting....
- Unionized teachers in Chicago make an average of $76,000 per year, not counting benefits. The median income in Chicago is $30,200 per year. The average income for people with a Bachelors' Degree in Chicago is $49,000 per year. Average teacher salaries in Dallas and Miami are between $50,000 and $55,000.
- The average final salary for CPS teachers in 2000 was $63,900. The average final salary in 2011 was $105,888.
- The average starting pension in 2011 for CPS teachers is $77,496. This is an 80% increase over what it was in 2000. $77,496 x 30 years = $2.3 million. This doesn’t count cost of living increases.
- In the private sector, employers typically contribute a maximum of 3 or 4 percent towards an employee’s 401k account. In CPS, 75% of the funding for the teachers’ pensions comes from taxpayers.
- 4 out of 10 kids attending CPS schools don’t graduate.
- 9 of the top 10 high schools in Chicago are charters schools.
- The school day in Chicago is 5 hours and 45 minutes. This is the shortest day of any major school system in the country. A student attending CPS schools from K-12 will end up getting 3 years less academic instruction than in most other major school districts.
- 40% of CPS teachers send their kids to a non-CPS school.
- And finally, there was a recent letter to the editor in Chicago written by a teacher, who said she needs the money ... so she can send her kids to ... a private school.
Fire them all and hire non union teachers. Teachers unions are not necessary, and only hinder student progress.