Not my Union

This economy is going to grow that much in the next 5 yrs, 49hr is going to be nothing compared to what things will cost and these companies will be making. we will be kicking ourselves in the ass for not taking advantage of this contract. If you don’t get it now, we never will.
We had delivered last time and our leadership did not choose to take advantage of it
This time we had some leverage and O'Brien took advantage of it by getting 30 billion dollars over the next 5 years


Well-Known Member
Point is I'm not voting against a contract that is going to pay me $49/hr. I don't really care of JD got a 20% raise. What they are going from $20 to $24? While we will go from $42 to $49.

Non liberal

Well-Known Member
That's what's going to happen I honestly thrilled with the way the money was structured the way it's spread out but if you look at the overall package its very good.

I really don't know what to say

I certainly don't have every answer but I would not lie or try to listen if my coworkers.
If this was a bad deal I'll be the first one to come out and say it
I got news for ya, I don’t care if you make 2.50 hr at ups. If they can do it, your ass would be gone no matter how much you make.


7 years of paying dues, all this rhetoric, and once again, full timers get the money and the part timers get screwed. Thanks a friggin lot, 'brothers'.


Trucker Clock

Well-Known Member
Stop, it’s a good agreement. much better than 2018 top to bottom if you’re unhappy with it vote no. Just understand what you think you’re going to get is probably not going to happen, even with the no vote.

Here’s what he can do. Vote no.

The PTers do not have the voting numbers to turn down this contract. But enough FTers not happy with the raises could then have the numbers to turn it down.

What will happen then? Some of the money allocated to the PTers will be moved to make the FTers happy. So the PTers now will only get a 25% increase instead of a 48%

The re-allocated money to the FTers will make them happy and then they will vote yes. And the PTers will not have the votes to turn it down.

So he can go ahead and vote no, give up his 48% increase, and have it be like past years. Take care of the FTers at the expense of the PTers.

Or vote yes and be happy with what his Union got him.


Well-Known Member
He can show them the $21 an hour starting pay as a huge win. Just ignore that employees who have been in the position10+ years are making that too. Lol. At least Amazon still rewards seniority with more money relative to new hires. They would be pissed about it too.
31.00 + for 10-15 year Part timer