Not my Union


Active Member
Some of you guys are in for a rude awakening on how bad inflation really will get.

Were in for a decade of sky high inflation. Massive recession is coming.

Trucker Clock

Well-Known Member
The media is not going to have our backs if we strike because we think a $9 wage increase isn't enough. We will look like entitled fools.

Nope. They will not.

Not only the $9 wage increase, but the Teamsters plastering this all over the media as a historic contract against a greedy Company and we’ve changed the game.

And then we want to vote it down and strike. We will be tarred and feathered in the media. Every one of us.

Part timers getting raises of 48% and the already highly paid full timers getting 16%, getting rid of 22.4, new full time jobs, A/C, etc.

We will be on our own. Hell, the Union probably won’t even back us.


Well-Known Member
Nope. They will not.

Not only the $9 wage increase, but the Teamsters plastering this all over the media as a historic contract against a greedy Company and we’ve changed the game.

And then we want to vote it down and strike. We will be tarred and feathered in the media. Every one of us.

Part timers getting raises of 48% and the already highly paid full timers getting 16%, getting rid of 22.4, new full time jobs, A/C, etc.

We will be on our own. Hell, the Union probably won’t even back us.
The union sold out existing part timers for the more money in union dues from starting employees. Old rate of 15.50 at 2.5x per month meant union dues of $38.75. Now it is $21 x 2.5 or $52.50 a month. That is what this was all about.

That 48% is because the pay was so awful to begin with. I can go from $15.50 to $21 and the percentage looks impressive until you realize no one was taking a job for $15.50 so they had these MRA's in places that were beyond $21 to get people to work. Lets stop playing the averages game and look at it by year:

The raises for PT'ers without MRA's is as follows:
Employees hired Aug 1 or later: current rate $15.50 new rate $21 ($5.50 raise)
1 yr employees: current $16.20 new rate $21 ($4.80 raise)
2 yr employees: current $16.70 new rate $21 ($4.30 raise)
3 yr employees: current $17.20 new rate $21 ($3.80 raise)
4 yr employee: current $17.70 new rate $21 ($3.20 raise)---same as a brand new hire thanks for your hard work
5 yr employee: current: $18.20 new rate $21.45 ($3.40 raise)
6 yr employee: current: $18.45 new rate $21.70 ($3.25 raise)
7 yr employee: current: $18.75 new rate $22.00 ($3.25 raise)
8 yr employee: current: $19.05 new rate $22.30 ($3.25 raise)

9 yr employee: current: $19.30 new rate $22.55 ($3.25 raise)--started at $8.50 Aug 2, 2013 got screwed in 2018 when new hires made $1.45 less last time they bumped starting wages. Now it's $1.55. So SOB negotiated a contract $0.10 better in wages than Hoffa's.

10 yr employee: current $19.75 new rate $23.50 (3.75 raise)
($3.75 raise continues until yr 14)
($4.25 raise at 15 yrs and beyond)

The company simply adjusted the starting rate for their MRA's (because they couldn't find workers at $15.50 an hour). The existing PT'ers making less than $21 an hour and having 9.99 yrs or less in July '23 got screwed.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
The union sold out existing part timers for the more money in union dues from starting employees. Old rate of 15.50 at 2.5x per month meant union dues of $38.75. Now it is $21 x 2.5 or $52.50 a month. That is what this was all about.

That 48% is because the pay was so awful to begin with. I can go from $15.50 to $21 and the percentage looks impressive until you realize no one was taking a job for $15.50 so they had these MRA's in places that were beyond $21 to get people to work. Lets stop playing the averages game and look at it by year:

The raises for PT'ers without MRA's is as follows:
Employees hired Aug 1 or later: current rate $15.50 new rate $21 ($5.50 raise)
1 yr employees: current $16.20 new rate $21 ($4.80 raise)
2 yr employees: current $16.70 new rate $21 ($4.30 raise)
3 yr employees: current $17.20 new rate $21 ($3.80 raise)
4 yr employee: current $17.70 new rate $21 ($3.20 raise)---same as a brand new hire thanks for your hard work
5 yr employee: current: $18.20 new rate $21.45 ($3.40 raise)
6 yr employee: current: $18.45 new rate $21.70 ($3.25 raise)
7 yr employee: current: $18.75 new rate $22.00 ($3.25 raise)
8 yr employee: current: $19.05 new rate $22.30 ($3.25 raise)

9 yr employee: current: $19.30 new rate $22.55 ($3.25 raise)--started at $8.50 Aug 2, 2013 got screwed in 2018 when new hires made $1.45 less last time they bumped starting wages. Now it's $1.55. So SOB negotiated a contract $0.10 better in wages than Hoffa's.

10 yr employee: current $19.75 new rate $23.50 (3.75 raise)
($3.75 raise continues until yr 14)
($4.25 raise at 15 yrs and beyond)

The company simply adjusted the starting rate for their MRA's (because they couldn't find workers at $15.50 an hour). The existing PT'ers making less than $21 an hour and having 9.99 yrs or less in July '23 got screwed.

Well explained...A lot of support for this TA is coming from members who will bail in 2024 and could care less for the ones left behind.

Never underestimate the (fear factor) when it comes down to the wire. Again it is "Me, Myself and Mine".

No such thing as a perfect Contract... It will take a couple of Contracts before O'Brien really starts fixing all the concessions from the previous administrations.

A lot of our members fail to realize that these negotiating Committees are projecting 15 or even 20 years down the line. I have not doubt that most of this TA was drafted out right after the last Contract in 2018.

Of course... the once in a Century pandemic threw in a monkey wrench, but it gave the Company substantial revenue and doubled their stock.


Well-Known Member
Those jobs require certifications and degrees.
I'm talking about jobs that a person fresh out of high school can hold.
Coders don't need degrees and certifications. Many are out of high school and many, many more are college dropouts.

Think Zuckerberg has a degree? Think Bill Gates graduated college? Think Steve Jobs did?

Well explained...A lot of support for this TA is coming from members who will bail in 2024 and could care less for the ones left behind.

Never underestimate the (fear factor) when it comes down to the wire. Again it is "Me, Myself and Mine".

No such thing as a perfect Contract... It will take a couple of Contracts before O'Brien really starts fixing all the concessions from the previous administrations.

A lot of our members fail to realize that these negotiating Committees are projecting 15 or even 20 years down the line. I have not doubt that most of this TA was drafted out right after the last Contract in 2018.

Of course... the once in a Century pandemic threw in a monkey wrench, but it gave the Company substantial revenue and doubled their stock.
The economic headwinds the union enjoyed this contract are not likely to appear again in 2028. Union friendly party in charge of White House (as we know the geriatric isn't running it). Low unemployment. Low workforce participation. Record profits coming off a period of peak usage. Large competitor still being a customer (Amazon). Period of high inflation pressuring wages. Etc., Etc.

If you think that contract is going to add on this one and that SOB's tactics will work again you are not seeing the big picture.

The automation coming and swing of the country politically to the right that is occuring now with a SCOTUS that sides with employers over employees in 99% of cases will only increase over the next 5 years is going to devastate the union labor. RTW states are only going to increase and will even flop again in the one state that managed to beat them back (Michigan) as republicans have put spent massively to build candidates from the local school boards upward. Why do you think the whole banning books and other issues became such a fight? Those school board candidates will matriculate upwards through local elections and eventually find seats in legislatures where they will be repealing most of labors gains the last couple years.
The union sold out existing part timers for the more money in union dues from starting employees. Old rate of 15.50 at 2.5x per month meant union dues of $38.75. Now it is $21 x 2.5 or $52.50 a month. That is what this was all about.

That 48% is because the pay was so awful to begin with. I can go from $15.50 to $21 and the percentage looks impressive until you realize no one was taking a job for $15.50 so they had these MRA's in places that were beyond $21 to get people to work. Lets stop playing the averages game and look at it by year:

The raises for PT'ers without MRA's is as follows:
Employees hired Aug 1 or later: current rate $15.50 new rate $21 ($5.50 raise)
1 yr employees: current $16.20 new rate $21 ($4.80 raise)
2 yr employees: current $16.70 new rate $21 ($4.30 raise)
3 yr employees: current $17.20 new rate $21 ($3.80 raise)
4 yr employee: current $17.70 new rate $21 ($3.20 raise)---same as a brand new hire thanks for your hard work
5 yr employee: current: $18.20 new rate $21.45 ($3.40 raise)
6 yr employee: current: $18.45 new rate $21.70 ($3.25 raise)
7 yr employee: current: $18.75 new rate $22.00 ($3.25 raise)
8 yr employee: current: $19.05 new rate $22.30 ($3.25 raise)

9 yr employee: current: $19.30 new rate $22.55 ($3.25 raise)--started at $8.50 Aug 2, 2013 got screwed in 2018 when new hires made $1.45 less last time they bumped starting wages. Now it's $1.55. So SOB negotiated a contract $0.10 better in wages than Hoffa's.

10 yr employee: current $19.75 new rate $23.50 (3.75 raise)
($3.75 raise continues until yr 14)
($4.25 raise at 15 yrs and beyond)

The company simply adjusted the starting rate for their MRA's (because they couldn't find workers at $15.50 an hour). The existing PT'ers making less than $21 an hour and having 9.99 yrs or less in July '23 got screwed.
You're talking to a very narrow portion of the whole. Top rate drivers got screwed too I guess.


Well-Known Member
You're talking to a very narrow portion of the whole. Top rate drivers got screwed too I guess.
70k by the union's own estimate isn't narrow portion to me.

You can make that argument, but their high starting wages leave them less vulnerable to inflation unlike the PT'ers earning less than $20 an hour currently.


Well-Known Member
The way I see it we are all making out like bandits. Sean bent UPS over.
Some people believe 75 million years ago a galactic dictator named Xenu froze people and dropped their bodies into volcanoes. From there, the disembodied spirits, or thetans, apparently jumped into newborns bodies. Those people collectively are worth $1.5 Billion.

...doesn't mean your right.
70k by the union's own estimate isn't narrow portion to me.

You can make that argument, but their high starting wages leave them less vulnerable to inflation unlike the PT'ers earning less than $20 an hour currently.
No, that 5.0 - 9.99 year PTer. That's a very narrow scope in the spectrum.