Not my Union


Well-Known Member
I'm sure healthcare didn't change. No bold notes or bullet points.
They said the same Thing last time. Unfortunately for those that were part time, they said no new costs. But, the previous contract the deductible was $200 total for the family. This last contract it was $1000. That wiped out an entire years worth of pay raises for them. Not cool and I understand their concerns.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, they revised that. Seems it’s at least 30% too high. And that’s what they admit to. It was a flu and the faux vaccine was useless.
I’m not a liberal by any means but to down play what happened doesn’t make sense. Unless the ERs here full of people then we’re all in on the scam.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
I’m not a liberal by any means but to down play what happened doesn’t make sense. Unless the ERs here full of people then we’re all in on the scam.
It was a disease that effected the sickly and the obese. I never got the shot or the flu. I’m not sickly or obese…..maybe a bit portly. Hospitals made money by classifying deaths as covid related, fact.

Trucker Clock

Well-Known Member
Yeah, they revised that. Seems it’s at least 30% too high. And that’s what they admit to. It was a flu and the faux vaccine was useless.

My 86 year old father-in-law, who was in poor health, was hospitalized with COVID. He beat it, but his other existing conditions kept him in the hospital. COVID had nothing to do with those other conditions, and did not make them worse. He was already on borrowed time.

He spent 3 months in the hospital, the last 2 months COVID free. When he passed, COVID was listed as a contributory factor and went down as a COVID death.

The only good that came out of it was that since it was listed as a COVID death, FEMA paid for the funeral.

Trucker Clock

Well-Known Member
It was a disease that effected the sickly and the obese. I never got the shot or the flu. I’m not sickly or obese…..maybe a bit portly. Hospitals made money by classifying deaths as covid related, fact.

And that. The entire hospital bill was paid in full because the hospital got like $35K, over and above the Medicare payments, because it was listed as COVID.
They said the same Thing last time. Unfortunately for those that were part time, they said no new costs. But, the previous contract the deductible was $200 total for the family. This last contract it was $1000. That wiped out an entire years worth of pay raises for them. Not cool and I understand their concerns. can be fluent in English and understand that it actually didn't change because it was still $200/yr just as it was the previous year before the contract expired. Maybe you guys should've listened to Andy.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
The union sold out existing part timers for the more money in union dues from starting employees. Old rate of 15.50 at 2.5x per month meant union dues of $38.75. Now it is $21 x 2.5 or $52.50 a month. That is what this was all about.

That 48% is because the pay was so awful to begin with. I can go from $15.50 to $21 and the percentage looks impressive until you realize no one was taking a job for $15.50 so they had these MRA's in places that were beyond $21 to get people to work. Lets stop playing the averages game and look at it by year:

The raises for PT'ers without MRA's is as follows:
Employees hired Aug 1 or later: current rate $15.50 new rate $21 ($5.50 raise)
1 yr employees: current $16.20 new rate $21 ($4.80 raise)
2 yr employees: current $16.70 new rate $21 ($4.30 raise)
3 yr employees: current $17.20 new rate $21 ($3.80 raise)
4 yr employee: current $17.70 new rate $21 ($3.20 raise)---same as a brand new hire thanks for your hard work
5 yr employee: current: $18.20 new rate $21.45 ($3.40 raise)
6 yr employee: current: $18.45 new rate $21.70 ($3.25 raise)
7 yr employee: current: $18.75 new rate $22.00 ($3.25 raise)
8 yr employee: current: $19.05 new rate $22.30 ($3.25 raise)

9 yr employee: current: $19.30 new rate $22.55 ($3.25 raise)--started at $8.50 Aug 2, 2013 got screwed in 2018 when new hires made $1.45 less last time they bumped starting wages. Now it's $1.55. So SOB negotiated a contract $0.10 better in wages than Hoffa's.

10 yr employee: current $19.75 new rate $23.50 (3.75 raise)
($3.75 raise continues until yr 14)
($4.25 raise at 15 yrs and beyond)

The company simply adjusted the starting rate for their MRA's (because they couldn't find workers at $15.50 an hour). The existing PT'ers making less than $21 an hour and having 9.99 yrs or less in July '23 got screwed.
So the largest raise for PT is $4.25/hr. Not too bad but a long ways from $12/hr like some are saying.


Old fart Package Car Driver
Go back and look at your figures. The average raise you listed is $3.83.

A PTer making $16-$20/hr getting a $3.83 raise. Not bad out of the gate. New hires starting at $21. Not bad.

People will always find something to bitch about. Now they're bitching about new hires making as much as them and that the long timers were not taken care of. Well, the long timers have worked here, knowing what the wage was, and still continued to work here and not go FT or find another job. Now they want huge increases to make up for the subpar pay over the last decades.

I have never heard the uproar in the past that I am hearing in this contract about the part time pay. Because the PTers don't vote in numbers. ( I know my admirer @PT Car Washer is going to disagree with this, but it's true.) The FTers always got a decent bump in pay and benefits at the expense of the PTers because the Union took care of the people who voted on the contract and also who voted them into office.

Only a small percentage of us actually cared about the PTers and the unborn. For most people, it is if it's good for me, that's all I care about. This contract, with the help of SOB, seemed to change that attitude a little bit. The FTers were willing to strike over the PTers pay.

Now the thanks we get is bitching and moaning. We didn't get a bigger raise because the PTers got a good raise this contract and finally got a decent rate. Don't bitch, yes it could be a little more, but it will be $25-$30/hr after this contract. Not bad for a PT job with a pension and full medical.

Since these PTers that are bitching seem to be lifers, band together, show your numbers, and vote yourselves another good raise next contract. It's not that hard. The Union will give the majority of the voters the best deal to pass the contract. That could be you.

You want to vote it down and strike for a few more dollars? Good luck with that.

And nobody, not UPS nor the Union, is going to make that previous subpar rate right by "paying" them for all those years. A little extra was negotiated for the long timers, to try and put a little extra money in their pockets for the past years.

Yes, I know it could have been more. But everything is not just about raises. New FT jobs, pension increases, full healthcare without any additional costs, etc.

You might say PTers don't care about the extras. They only care about the wage. The wages now have caught up are not that out of proportion with what the job should pay.
Irony is that many of the p/t argument is that they should make as much as a friend/t driver and now they are mad that someone in the same classification is making the same or close. We have p/t employees making mid 30's right now complaining about someone getting $21. I just don't see the argument.

P/T employees care about the extras once they get to a certain point and sometimes the only reason they stay. Some own their own businesses and need the health benefits for them and their families. Only now are most of them recognizing the benefit of the p/t pension.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Go back and look at your figures. The average raise you listed is $3.83.

A PTer making $16-$20/hr getting a $3.83 raise. Not bad out of the gate. New hires starting at $21. Not bad.

People will always find something to bitch about. Now they're bitching about new hires making as much as them and that the long timers were not taken care of. Well, the long timers have worked here, knowing what the wage was, and still continued to work here and not go FT or find another job. Now they want huge increases to make up for the subpar pay over the last decades.

I have never heard the uproar in the past that I am hearing in this contract about the part time pay. Because the PTers don't vote in numbers. ( I know my admirer @PT Car Washer is going to disagree with this, but it's true.) The FTers always got a decent bump in pay and benefits at the expense of the PTers because the Union took care of the people who voted on the contract and also who voted them into office.

Only a small percentage of us actually cared about the PTers and the unborn. For most people, it is if it's good for me, that's all I care about. This contract, with the help of SOB, seemed to change that attitude a little bit. The FTers were willing to strike over the PTers pay.

Now the thanks we get is bitching and moaning. We didn't get a bigger raise because the PTers got a good raise this contract and finally got a decent rate. Don't bitch, yes it could be a little more, but it will be $25-$30/hr after this contract. Not bad for a PT job with a pension and full medical.

Since these PTers that are bitching seem to be lifers, band together, show your numbers, and vote yourselves another good raise next contract. It's not that hard. The Union will give the majority of the voters the best deal to pass the contract. That could be you.

You want to vote it down and strike for a few more dollars? Good luck with that.

And nobody, not UPS nor the Union, is going to make that previous subpar rate right by "paying" them for all those years. A little extra was negotiated for the long timers, to try and put a little extra money in their pockets for the past years.

Yes, I know it could have been more. But everything is not just about raises. New FT jobs, pension increases, full healthcare without any additional costs, etc.

You might say PTers don't care about the extras. They only care about the wage. The wages now have caught up are not that out of proportion with what the job should pay.

Trucker Clock

Well-Known Member

Of course not. Because you did, but cannot disagree with a word I said. You just hide in the corner clicking disagree instead of voicing your opinion on what you disagree with. If you have a valid point, I will admit if I'm wrong. So come out of the closet and show me why you disagree. I will be happy to listen. I, unlike you, don't blow off other peoples opinions. I see where they're coming from and will admit if, and when, I may be wrong.

Can you do this? I doubt it.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Of course not. Because you did, but cannot disagree with a word I said. You just hide in the corner clicking disagree instead of voicing your opinion on what you disagree with. If you have a valid point, I will admit if I'm wrong. So come out of the closet and show me why you disagree. I will be happy to listen. I, unlike you, don't blow off other peoples opinions. I see where they're coming from and will admit if, and when, I may be wrong.

Can you do this? I doubt it.
They say figures don't lie but liars do a lot of figuring. You do a lot of figuring.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
Of course not. Because you did, but cannot disagree with a word I said. You just hide in the corner clicking disagree instead of voicing your opinion on what you disagree with. If you have a valid point, I will admit if I'm wrong. So come out of the closet and show me why you disagree. I will be happy to listen. I, unlike you, don't blow off other peoples opinions. I see where they're coming from and will admit if, and when, I may be wrong.

Can you do this? I doubt it.
Do you sell used cars?